Integrating Teams with and - wasabee-project/Wasabee-IITC GitHub Wiki


Wasabee teams can be mapped to (rocks) communities and (V) teams. This allows advanced management of Wasabee teams, or management of the groups at the other sites using wasabee's interface.

This integration is completely optional, and is intended to be used by groups that are already using Rocks communities or V teams. There is no requirement for a Wasabee team to be linked to either a V team or a Rocks community.

Integrating a Wasabee team with a Rocks community or V team has some advantages. The primary advantage is that agents added to the team do not need to have already logged into Wasabee--new agents can be added to Wasabee without them needing to have logged in to Wasabee. Some people find the interfaces at V or Rocks to be more intuitive or easier to use than the Wasabee interfaces. Finally, V and Rocks have additional functionality, such as badges (V) and communications tools.

Linking a Rocks community to a Wasabee team.

Rocks communities can be configured in the following ways

  • rocks->wasabee
  • wasabee->rocks
  • bi-directional

rocks->wasabee: changes at rocks are reflected at wasabee

Using a rocks community to manage a wasabee team requires enabling the API, configuring the endpoints, and configuring the API key.

Configure Rocks

Log into Use the menu to view available communities. Select the desired community. Click on the "</>" icon to edit the community. Add both onJoin and onLeave endpoints, these are https://{wasabee server}/rocks (e.g. for the Americas server).

Switch to the API tab, look for the URL ( and copy the value after key= (be sure to get all of the key, it should be 24 characters long).

Configure wasabee using WebUI

Log into the wasabee server with the desired team. Select the team. Choose the "settings" tab. Paste the API key in the appropriate field.

-- OR --

Configure wasabee using Wasabee-IITC

Log into the wasabee server using the bee->login option (if necessary). Choose the teams menu (bee->teams). Choose the "manage" option for the appropriate team. Paste the API key in the appropriate field.

wasabee->rocks: changes in wasabee are reflected at rocks

Using a wasabee team to manage a rocks community requires getting the Rocks community identifier for the desired community. The API key is not used for this configuration. The community identifier is pre-defined by rocks and is a random string followed by ".com" (e.g. This can be changed by the community owner.

Configure Rocks

To get the community identifier, log into Use the menu to view available communities. Select the desired community. Click on the "gear" icon to edit the community. Copy the community identifier.

Enable the "API" switch at the bottom.

Configure wasabee using WebUI

Log into the wasabee server with the desired team. Select the team. Choose the "settings" tab. Paste the community identifier in the appropriate field.

-- OR --

Configure wasabee using Wasabee-IITC

Log into the wasabee server using the bee->login option (if necessary). Choose the teams menu (bee->teams). Choose the "manage" option for the appropriate team. Paste the community identifier in the appropriate field.


Do both steps above: configure rocks->wasabee and wasabee->rocks. Any change made at either will be reflected in the other.

Linking a V team to Wasabee teams

V teams include the concept of roles. There are two options for mapping V teams to wasabee teams. A single V team (all roles) can be mapped to a single wasabee team (v:w) or each role on a V team can be mapped to single wasabee team (v[role]:w).

Get V team ID number & configure web hook

Log in to, click your agent name in the upper-right corner, select "My Teams." Click the "Administrate" button for the desired team. Look in the URL for the team ID number (e.g. is ID number 1734 ).

Create an API key at V (how?)

Add "https://{wasabee server}/v" for the web hook (e.g. for the Americas server). This allows V to update wasabee when changes are made at V.

Configure wasabee using the WebUI

Log into the WebUI for the wasabee server with the desired team.

In your agent settings in the WebUI, specify the V API key in the appropriate field.

Select the team. Choose the "settings" tab. Type the V team ID in the appropriate field. If the wasabee team is for a single role, select the appropriate role.

Bulk V team/role import

There is no friendly user interface for it, but a bulk V team/role import exists.

Place a request to: https://{wasabee server}/api/v1/team/vbulkimport?mode=VTEAMID

This will create all the Wasabee teams required to ensure that each role on the specified V team is created. It will not create duplicates (and can safely be run multiple times). Roles without any agents are ignored. The default team names can be changed once the teams are created.

Your V API key must be set in the Wasabee WebUI agent settings for this to work.