Usage of each blocks - wandererinhk/IoT-extension-for-mBlock GitHub Wiki

Attach WiFi Module RX@ TX@

  • Attach a Me Wifi module/ESP8266 chip to controller board
  • To find out the pin numbers, refer to following:
  • For mCore in particular,
    • Port 1==> RX 12, TX 11 (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
    • Port 2==> RX 10, TX 9 (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
    • Port 3==> RX 17, TX 16
    • Port 4==> RX 15, TX 14
  • For Me Orion,
    • Port 3==> RX 13, TX 12 (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
    • Port 4==> RX 2, TX 8 (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
    • Port 6==> RX 17, TX 16
    • IMPORTANT: cannot use Port 1,2,5,7 and 8 on Me Orion!
  • For Me Auriga,
    • Port 6 ==> RX 69, TX 64
    • Port 7 ==> RX 68, TX 63
    • Port 8 ==> RX 67, TX 62
    • Port 9 ==> RX 66, TX 61
    • Port 10==> RX 65, TX 60
    • IMPORTANT: cannot use Port 1-5 on Me Auriga!
  • For MegaPi/Mega's analog pins,
    • pin number = 54+(number)
    • eg. A10 = 54+10 = 64


  • Write a line to Me Wifi module
  • Can type-in AT commands directly, no need to add \r\n
  • For AT-commands available, refers to online documentations

Connect AP|SSID |PW

  • Connect to desired AP, will obtain IP automatically
  • This block is deliberately designed to be a Boolean function
    • Always use with "if" or "if-else" blocks to verify connection status
  • This block can take up to 18 seconds for connection
    • Will return true once connected within the period
    • Timeout set to be 16 seconds, based on experiment
    • Will return false if timeout after 16 seconds
    • Timeout can due to:
      • Incorrect SSID
      • Incorrect Password
      • AP is not activated
      • Radio interference

Upload to|API |Content

  • IMPORTANT: do not update sensor values within this function!!
    • Tends to cause overflow / fatal error
    • Instead, pass the data through variables
  • Upload a HTTP GET request to
  • This block is deliberately designed to be a Boolean function
    • Always use with "if" or "if-else" blocks to verify upload results
  • This block can take a few seconds for uploading data
    • Will return true once successfully uploaded
    • Timeout set to be 5 seconds
    • Will return false if timeout after 5 seconds
  • Fill-in your channel's API
    • May get one under "API Key" tab after logged in
  • Format of "Content" shall be:
    • field1={data}&field2={data}&{...}&field8={data}
    • For uploading 1 field, "Content" would be,
      • field1={data}
    • For 2 fields,
      • field1={data}&field2={data}
  • User can use blocks from "Operators" to join strings together
  • For free users of, upload interval shall be >=30s
  • The maximum number of field supported by is 8

Trigger an event to|Event name |API |Content

  • Upload a HTTP GET request to
  • This block is deliberately designed to be a Boolean function
    • Always use with "if" or "if-else" blocks to verify upload results
  • This block can take a few seconds for uploading data
    • Will return true once successfully uploaded
    • Timeout set to be 5 seconds
    • Will return false if timeout after 5 seconds
  • Set the desire EventName in Maker Webhooks Applets
  • Fill-in the API Key of your account
  • Format of "Content" shall be:
    • value1={data}&value2={data}&value3={data}
  • User can use blocks from "Operators" to join strings together
  • If only want to trigger an event without any values, leave "Content" blank
  • It could take a few seconds for the server to carry out the actions
  • The maximum number of field supported by is 3

Get Weather Info from OpenWeatherMap|API |City ID |Type

  • WARNING! This block use a huge (600+ bytes) amount of local variables, preferably to use on Auriga/MegaPi/Mega only
  • Get current weather data from
  • This block can take few seconds for downloading data
    • Will return required content string once successfully downloaded
    • Timeout set to be 5 seconds
    • Will return false if timeout after 5 seconds
  • Fill-in the API Key of your account
  • CityID list
  • "Type" can be:
    • temp ==>in Kelvin (K), -273.15 to convert into Celsius
    • pressure ==>in HPA
    • humidity ==>in %RH
    • visibility ==>in m