Agenda 20170309 - w3c/webpayments GitHub Wiki

Daylight Savings Time change

  • 16 March meeting will start one hour earlier for Europe and others who change times later than the US.

Payment Request API

  • Filtering
    • Continuation of 2 March discussion
    • This relates to the question of the network identifier list. If we do not need to approve string values because there is a general-purpose matching algorithm for basic card then we don't need the list.
  • Privacy consideration regarding line items; see issue 446 and proposal from AdrianHB that we proactively "discourage using this for shopping cart lists. As soon as this list goes beyond 5 - 10 items the UI challenges, especially on mobile, will become nasty."

Payment Apps

  • State of support for payment apps/handlers in browsers for use in demos at f2f

Testing update

  • Stan to tell us about his progress
  • What information do we need about test suites in order to inform a discussion at the FTF meeting about PR API advancing to CR?

Addition of "cb" to list of approved networks

  • Proposed:
    • We adopt a procedure for validating requests to be added to the list (cf proposal to add cb). Validation will consist of avoiding duplication.
    • We update the explanation in the network id list to make clear that approval does not imply interoperable implementation in browsers.
    • We add a statement that merchants may use Payment Request API for a card network that is not yet in the list; the list is only used for further filtering.
