antlr - vvoovv/notes GitHub Wiki


bat files

Place the following bat files in the same directory where antlr-4.7.1-complete.jar is located.

antlr4.bat java -classpath C:\software\antlr\antlr-4.7.1-complete.jar org.antlr.v4.Tool %*

grun.bat java -classpath C:\software\antlr\antlr-4.7.1-complete.jar;%CD% org.antlr.v4.gui.TestRig %*

javac.bat "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-10\bin\javac.exe" -classpath C:\software\antlr\antlr-4.7.1-complete.jar %*

Chat tutorial by Federico Tomassetti

The tutorial can be found at The source code can be found at the companion github repository.

  • cd to the directory where Chat.g4 is located (C:\software\antlr\tutorial)
  • C:\software\antlr\antlr4 Chat.g4
  • C:\software\antlr\javac Chat*.java

Test the result. grun is the testing tool, Chat is the name of the grammar, chat is the rule that we want to parse

  • C:\software\antlr\grun Chat chat
  • Start entering input strings, e.g. john SAYS: hello @michael this will not work
  • Press Ctrl Z to parse the input

To get the recognized tokens, execute:

  • C:\software\antlr\grun Chat chat -tokens

To get graphical representation of the the recognized tokens, execute:

  • C:\software\antlr\grun Chat chat -gui

Javascript example

Install Javascript runtime in the directory where Chat.g4 is located: C:\software\node\npm install antlr4

  • cd to the directory where Chat.g4 is located (C:\software\antlr\tutorial)
  • C:\software\antlr\antlr4 -Dlanguage=JavaScript Chat.g4

Using nodejs webserver:

  • cd to the directory where Chat.g4 is located (C:\software\antlr\tutorial)
  • C:\software\node\node.exe antlr.js
  • Open http://localhost:1337 in a webbrowser

Python example

  • cd to the directory where Chat.g4 is located (C:\software\antlr\tutorial)
  • C:\software\antlr\antlr4 -Dlanguage=Python3 Chat.g4