Video Sequence Editor - vvoovv/notes GitHub Wiki


Setting up the environment

  • File -> New -> Video Editing

Settings in the Output Properties of the Properties editor type:

  • File Format: FFmpeg video
  • Container (in Encoding): MPEG-4
  • Output Quality: Perceptually lossless
  • Audio Codec: AAC

To display wave form for a sound strip:

  • Select the sound strip. Check Display Waveform on the right side bar

To preview low resolution video (also called proxy) for faster and smoother editing:

  • Select the video strip
  • Select Proxy and Cache on the right side bar
  • Check Strip Proxy & Timecode
  • Check the option 25%
  • Press the button Rebuild Proxy and Timecode Indices
  • Activate the right side bar on the preview window by pressing the N key
  • Set Proxy Render Size to Proxy size 25%


To set a marker:

  • Set the cursor to a desired frame
  • Press the M key or Marker -> Add Marker

To split a strip:

  • Select the strip
  • Set the cursor to a desired frame
  • To set the cursor to the next or previous marker: Marker -> Jump to Next Marker or Jump to Previous Marker
  • Press the K key

Transition between strips

  • Select the preceding strip (it must be selected first!)
  • Select the following strip
  • Add -> Transition -> Cross

Useful shortcuts

  • PgUp or PgDn move the cursor to the end or to the beginning of the active strip


An imported video may have a different frame rate thane the frame rate in Blender.This results in different lenght of video and audio strips.

  • Check the frame rate of the imported video. For Windows: RMB -> Properties -> Details
  • Set the Blender frame rate to the video's one: Properties area -> Render tab
  • Set sync mode to AV-sync to syncronize video and audio strips: Timeline area -> Header -> set Sync Mode to AV-sync

It's impossible to import strips of varying frame rates. All videos must be converted to the same frame rate before importing them to Blender. Blender, ffmpeg, avidemux can be used for that task

ALT + A Play animation

CTRL + MMB Continuous zoom

K Soft cut

SHIFT + K Hard cut

P Interactively define frame range for a preview

ALT + P Clear the frame range for the preview set with P

I Insert a key frame for a property from the Properties panel. The cursor must be atop the property in question.

For Timeline area

S Set the start frame to the current cursor position

E Set the end frame to the current cursor position