xPL Binding - vpjuslin/openhab GitHub Wiki

Note: This Binding is available beginning in the 1.6 release.


The xPL Bundle provides two packages :

  • Action to send messages over the xPL network
  • Bindings to grab xPL message values in items and send xPL commands


The xPL Bundle relies on Gerry Duprey's xPL4Java Library. The library is packaged in the bundle, then you won't need to install it - but in order to make it work, you'll need a working xPL Hub on the openHAB server (you will find all needed information on the xPL Project website.)

Configuration in openhab.cfg

############################## xPL Binding ##############################
# The instance name of the xPL server

xPL Action

This add-on provides xPL message sending on the network:

  • sendxPLMessage(String target, String msgType, String msgClass, String bodyLine1, String bodyLine2 ...) : Sends a message over the xPL network.

Parameters shall follow xPL message elements syntax.

  • target : string spelled vendor-device.instance
  • msgType : being one of : command, trigger, status
  • msgClass : string spelled class.type
  • bodyLineX : string containing key and value in the form of "bodykey1=bodyvalue1" There may be as many bodyLine parameters as needed

xPL Bindings

Bindings to items can be SwitchItem,NumberItem,StringItem. They allow to receive/send commands (#COMMAND parameter) and to grab current values in xPL messages (#CURRENT parameter).

Switch testswitch "testswitch"  {xpl="*,command,ac.basic,device=0x0a2b,unit=0,command=#COMMAND"}
//Will broadcast (* address| vendor-device.instance) an xPL message in response of sendCommand(testxplswitch, [ON | OFF]) 

Number testxpltemp "testxpltemp" {xpl="*,status,sensor.basic,device=0x0a2x,type=temp,current=#CURRENT"}
//Will get "current" value in the body for the message matching xpl-stat/sensor.basic/device=0x0a2x,type=temp
String testxplstr "testxplstr" {xpl="*,status,sensor.basic,device=outside,type=temp,current=#CURRENT"}
//Will get "current" value in the body for the message matching xpl-stat/sensor.basic/device=0x0a2x,type=temp

xPL messages can be catched multiple times in multiple items (grabbing different parts of the message).

String LivingRoom_Player_Kind "Xmbc [%s]" (LivingRoom)   {xpl="*,status,media.mptrnspt,mp=xbmc,kind=#COMMAND"}
String LivingRoom_Player_Status "Xmbc [%s]" (LivingRoom) {xpl="*,status,media.mptrnspt,mp=xbmc,command=#COMMAND"}