rrd4j Persistence - vpjuslin/openhab GitHub Wiki

Documentation of the rrd4j Persistence Service


The rrd4j Persistence Service is based on a round-robin database, specifically it uses the project rrd4j as its name suggests.


In contrast to a "normal" database such as db4o, a round-robin database does not grow in size - it has a fixed allocated size, which is used. This is accomplished by doing data compression, which means that the older the data is, the less values are available. So while you might have a value every minute for the last 24 hours, you might only have one every day for the last year.

There are many possibilities in rrd4j to define how the data compression should work in detail. openHAB comes at the moment with a fixed setting which looks like this (see the rrd4j tutorial for details:

// for measurement values, we define archives that are suitable for charts
rrdDef.addDatasource(DATASOURCE_STATE, DsType.GAUGE, 60, Double.NaN, Double.NaN);
rrdDef.addArchive(function, 0.5, 1, 480); // 8 hours (granularity 1 min)
rrdDef.addArchive(function, 0.5, 4, 360); // one day (granularity 4 min)
rrdDef.addArchive(function, 0.5, 15, 644); // one week (granularity 15 min)
rrdDef.addArchive(function, 0.5, 60, 720); // one month (granularity 1 hour)
rrdDef.addArchive(function, 0.5, 720, 730); // one year (granularity 12 hours)
rrdDef.addArchive(function, 0.5, 10080, 520); // ten years (granularity 7 days)

// for other things (switches, contacts etc), we mainly provide a high level of detail for the last hour
rrdDef.addDatasource(DATASOURCE_STATE, DsType.GAUGE, 3600, Double.NaN, Double.NaN);
rrdDef.addArchive(function, .999, 1, 3600); // 1 hour (granularity 1 sec)
rrdDef.addArchive(function, .999, 10, 1440); // 4 hours (granularity 10 sec)
rrdDef.addArchive(function, .999, 60, 1440); // one day (granularity 1 min)
rrdDef.addArchive(function, .999, 900, 2880); // one month (granularity 15 min)
rrdDef.addArchive(function, .999, 21600, 1460); // one year (granularity 6 hours)
rrdDef.addArchive(function, .999, 86400, 3650); // ten years (granularity 1 day)

In future versions it is planned to offer an "expert mode", where these values are configurable.

The rrd4j Persistence Service cannot be directly queried, because of the data compression. You could not provide precise answers for all questions.


For installation of this persistence package please follow the same steps as if you would install a binding.


Place a persistence file called rrd4j.persist in the ${openhab_home}/configuration/persistence folder.

See Persistence for details on configuring this file.


From time to time, you may find that if you change the item type of a persisted data, you may experience charting or other problems. To resolve this issue, remove the old <item_name>.rrd file in the ${openhab_home}/etc/rrd4j folder.

Restore of items after startup is taking some time. Rules are already started in parallel. Especially in rules that are started via "System started" trigger, it may happen that the restore is not completed resulting in defined items. In these cases the use of restored items has to be delayed by a couple of seconds. This delay has to be determined experimentally.

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