Yamahareceiver Binding - vpjuslin/openhab GitHub Wiki

Yamahareceiver Binding

Documentation of the Yamahareceiver binding Bundle


This binding connects openhab with varoius Yamaha Receivers.

tested Receivers:

  • V475
  • V675
  • V473
  • V773

please add sucessfully tested receivers!


inside openhab.cfg you need only the host definition:


represent your instance name inside your items list right from the equal sign you must define the ip address from your receiver.


 {yamahareceiver="uid=living, zone=main, bindingType=power"}

allowed zone entrys:

  • main: Main Zone
  • zone2: Zone 2
  • zone3: Zone 3
  • zone4: Zone 4

depends on the real zones implemented on your receiver.

allowed bindingTypes:

  • power: Openhab Type Switch, Switches The Receiver ON or OFF (ON only if you have the Receiver allowed insid settings to react on this Signal in OFF state!!)

  • mute: Openhab Type Switch, Mute or Unmute the receiver

  • volume: Openhab Type Dimmer, Set's the receivers Volume percent Value.

  • input: Openhab Type String, Set's the input selection, depends on your receiver's real inputs examples: HDMI1, HDMI2, AV4, TUNER, NET RADIO, etc.

  • surroundProgram: Openhab Type String, Set's the surround Mode examples: 2ch Stereo, 7ch Stereo, Hall in Munic, Straight, Surround Decoder



 #Yamaha Receiver 


 Switch Yamaha_Power         "Power [%s]"         <tv>    { yamahareceiver="uid=living, zone=main,  bindingType=power" }
 Dimmer Yamaha_Volume         "Volume [%.1f %%]"             { yamahareceiver="uid=living, zone=main, bindingType=volumePercent" }
 Switch Yamaha_Mute             "Mute [%s]"                 { yamahareceiver="uid=living, zone=main, bindingType=mute" }
 String Yamaha_Input         "Input [%s]"                 { yamahareceiver="uid=living, zone=main, bindingType=input" } 
 String Yamaha_Surround         "surround [%s]"             { yamahareceiver="uid=living, zone=main, bindingType=surroundProgram" } 
 Number Yamaha_NetRadio  "Net Radio" <netRadio> { yamahareceiver="uid=living, zone=main, bindingType=netRadio" }


 Selection item=Yamaha_NetRadio label="Sender" mappings=[1="N Joy", 2="Radio Sport", 3="RDU", 4="91ZM", 5="Hauraki"]
 Selection item=Yamaha_Input mappings=[HDMI1="BlueRay",HDMI2="Satellite","NET RADIO"="NetRadio",TUNER="Tuner"]
 Selection item=Yamaha_Surround label="Surround Mode" mappings=["2ch Stereo"="2ch","7ch Stereo"="7ch"]

the tricky thing are the " around NET RADIO, this Key (left from the equal sign) is a value that must be send to the receiver with the space inside. If you omit the " the binding sends only the NET and the receiver do's nothing. Same are in surround definition!

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