Transformations - vpjuslin/openhab GitHub Wiki

Overview of available transformation services

Exec transformation service

tbd ...

Java Script transformation service

OpenHab supports transformation scripts written in Javascript. Example item configuration:

http="<[]" }

Let's assume we have received a string containing foo bar baz and we're looking for a length of the last word (baz).


// Wrap everything in a function
(function(i) {
        array = i.split(i);
    return array[array.length - 1].length;
// input variable contains data passed by openhab

Map transformation service

tbd ...

Scale transformation service

Example item configuration:

Number WuUvCode "UV Level [SCALE(uvindex.scale):%s]"

uvindex.scale in transform folder :


Calling it in a rule : var Number r = transform("SCALE", "uvindex.scale", WuUvIndex.state.toString)

RegEx transformation service

tbd ...

XPath transformation service

tbd ...

XSLT transformation service

tbd ...

For samples see here.

JSonPath transformation service

As with XPath on XML data, JSONPath allows direct query of JSON data.

// Test JSONPath
rule "Test JSONPath"
when Time cron "0 * * * * ?"
   var String json = '{"store":{"book":[{"category":"reference","author":"Nigel Rees","title": "Sayings of the Century", "price": 8.95  } ],  "bicycle": { "color": "red",  "price": 19.95} }}' 
    var test = transform("JSONPATH","$[0].author",json)

As an example Outback MATE3 Solar controller produces the following JSON:

{"devstatus": {
"Sys_Time": 1423858028,
"Sys_Batt_V": 50.5,
"ports": [
{ "Port": 1, "Dev": "GS","Type": "60Hz","Inv_I_L1": 1,"Chg_I_L1": 0,"Buy_I_L1": 0,"Sell_I_L1": 0,"VAC1_in_L1": 15,"VAC2_in_L1": 0,"VAC_out_L1": 113,"Inv_I_L2": 2,"Chg_I_L2": 0,"Buy_I_L2": 0,"Sell_I_L2": 0,"VAC1_in_L2": 3,"VAC2_in_L2": 0,"VAC_out_L2": 114,"AC_Input": "Gen","Batt_V": 50.0,"AC_mode": "NO AC","INV_mode": "Inverting","Warn": ["none"],"Error": ["none"],"AUX": "disabled","RELAY": "disabled"},
{ "Port": 2, "Dev": "GS","Type": "60Hz","Inv_I_L1": 0,"Chg_I_L1": 0,"Buy_I_L1": 0,"Sell_I_L1": 0,"VAC1_in_L1": 16,"VAC2_in_L1": 0,"VAC_out_L1": 114,"Inv_I_L2": 0,"Chg_I_L2": 0,"Buy_I_L2": 0,"Sell_I_L2": 0,"VAC1_in_L2": 3,"VAC2_in_L2": 0,"VAC_out_L2": 113,"AC_Input": "Gen","Batt_V": 49.6,"AC_mode": "NO AC","INV_mode": "Inverting","Warn": ["none"],"Error": ["none"],"AUX": "disabled","RELAY": "disabled"},
{ "Port": 4, "Dev": "CC","Type": "FM","Out_I": 0.0,"In_I": 0,"Batt_V": 50.6,"In_V": 25.1,"Out_kWh": 15.5,"Out_AH": 281,"CC_mode": "Silent","Error": ["none"],"Aux_mode": "Manual","AUX": "disabled"},
{ "Port": 5, "Dev": "CC","Type": "FM","Out_I": 0.0,"In_I": 0,"Batt_V": 50.6,"In_V": 22.2,"Out_kWh": 23.6,"Out_AH": 433,"CC_mode": "Silent","Error": ["none"],"Aux_mode": "Manual","AUX": "disabled"},
{ "Port": 6, "Dev": "FNDC","Enabled": ["A","B"],"Shunt_A_I":  -10.3,"Shunt_A_AH": -62,"Shunt_A_kWh":  -3.120,"Shunt_B_I": -0.1,"Shunt_B_AH": 11,"Shunt_B_kWh":  0.580,"SOC": 96,"Min_SOC": 70,"Days_since_full": 42.1,"CHG_parms_met": false,"In_AH_today": 731,"Out_AH_today": 608,"In_kWh_today":  39.520,"Out_kWh_today":  30.890,"Net_CFC_AH": -52,"Net_CFC_kWh":  -2.570,"Batt_V": 50.5,"Batt_temp": "14 C","Aux_mode": "auto","AUX": "disabled"}

To pull the battery State of Charge (SOC) using JsonPath:

Number	Battery_Charge	"Battery Charge"	(Solar)	{http=<[http://{ip}/Dev_status.cgi&Port=0:30000:JSONPATH($.devstatus.ports[?(@.Port==6)][0].SOC)]"}