Sense Persistence - vpjuslin/openhab GitHub Wiki
Documentation of the Sen.Se Persistence Service
This service allows you to feed item data to Sen.Se web site (see for more details)
This persistence service supports only writing information to the Sen.Se web site. You need a Sen.Se API key and data feed to put data to. Each item being persisted represents a separate feed.
For installation of this persistence package please follow the same steps as if you would install a binding.
Additionally, place a persistence file called sense.persist in the ${openhab.home}/configuration/persistence
This persistence service can be configured in the "Sen.Se Persistence Service" section in openhab.cfg
. You need to specify your Sen.Se API key as
To connect your OpenHAB installation to you have to create a custom device in Follow the wizard there ("Get started"). Give your device a name that makes sense to you, and where the form says "Device is" choose "Other". Leave "Sending data" as "HTTP Posting" and "Receiving Data" as "HTTP Polling". Add as many feeds as you have items to display, choosing the option "Input: data flows from device to" for each feed.
Under you should see the device that you have just created. If you click on "Profile & Settings" you will see - amongst other things - a list of the input feeds that you created. If you click on an input feed you will see all its data, including a feed ID (currently a 5-digit integer).
Note the feed ID of each input feed that you want to connect to an item in OpenHAB: you will need this information to configure the file sense.persist
All persistence files (including sense.persist
) have the same syntax, which is documented in the generic persistence file documentation.
Choose whatever strategies make sense in your application. This is totally independent of
In the Items {}
section you will create the connection between OpenHAB and The syntax of the items section is as follows:
Items {
<itemlist1> [-> "<alias1>"] : [strategy = <strategy1>, <strategy2>, ...]
<itemlist2> [-> "<alias2>"] : [strategy = <strategyX>, <strategyY>, ...]
Possible values for <itemlist>
can be seen in the generic persistence file documentation, as can values for the strategy
The important values for are the alias
es. Substitute <alias1>
, <alias2>
, etc. with a feed ID from and the corresponding items will be sent to that feed.
The following example shows a very simple sense.persist
which illustrates this:
Strategies {
everyDay : "0 0 0 * * ?"
default = everyChange, everyDay, restoreOnStartup
Items {
Temperature_Item -> "xxxxx" :
// where "Temperature_Item" is an OpenHAB item
// and "xxxxx" is an feed ID enclosed in double quotes
// Values from Temperature_Item are sent to feed "xxxxx"
Humidity_Item -> "yyyyy" :
// where "Humidity_Item" is an OpenHAB item
// and "yyyyy" is an feed ID enclosed in double quotes
// Values from Humidity_Item are sent to feed "yyyyy"