Samples Sitemap Definitions - vpjuslin/openhab GitHub Wiki
Samples for Sitemap definitions
###How to define a setpoint widget for a normal number item
Setpoint item=Temperature_Setpoint label="Setpoint [%.1f °C]" step=0.5 minValue=15 maxValue=30
###How to refresh an image periodically (every second)
Image url="" refresh=1000
###arranging items:
You may find descriptions like:
Frame label="Demo" {
Text label="Group Demo" icon="1stfloor" {
Switch item=Lights mappings=[OFF="All Off"]
Group item=Heating
Group item=Windows
Text item=Temperature
Text label="Multimedia" icon="video" {
Selection item=Radio_Station mappings=[0=off, 1=HR3, 2=SWR3, 3=FFH, 4=Charivari]
Slider item=Volume
- This means that you want a frame with a visual label "Demo". Then, inside the frame you want two elements:
- An item called Group Demo with 1stfloor icon that contains 4 items.
- The first one is the group Lights, that has a mapping. It means that when it receives a value of OFF, it might show a "All off" text.
- The second one will be the Heating group.
- etc.
- An item called Multimedia with icon video. It has two elements:
- The Radio_station item that has several mappings
- The Volume item, shown as an Slider.
For more info about other options have a look at the demo.sitemap file.