Sample integration of WebSolarLog into openhab - vpjuslin/openhab GitHub Wiki

For those that have no direct connection to their solar System or PVOutput - you might consider to check if can support your device. The devices can be found on the WebSolar Log Web Page.

I have succesfully integrated this for my Diehl Solar system and can get the live data via http binding and a small transformation into OH to react on energy production/ sun.

Steps to take:

  • check if websolarlog supports your solar/ energy device
  • install the same on either the same device or on a seperate one. Currently experimenting with it - a seperate PI would be performance wise better to suite
  • after installation done use the API from websolarlog to take a look on the desired data: 'http:///websolarlog/json2xml.php?url=/websolarlog/api.php/Live?url=/websolarlog/api.php/Live'

With this you should be able to see a XML File with the relevant information needed. The XML transfromation PHP should be in the current release - if not a guidance to download can be downloaded here: WebSolarBugTracker

  • now you need to create a transformation file in the transform directory of openhab:


<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="2.0">

    <xsl:output indent="yes" method="xml" encoding="UTF-8" omit-xml-declaration="yes" />

    <xsl:template match="/">
					    <xsl:for-each select="html/body/div/tr/td">
			    			<xsl:if test="Power:">
					      <xsl:value-of select="span name="/>


OH items

Number DiehlWtemp "Diehl W [%.3f]" { http="<[http://<yourWSLIP>/websolarlog/json2xml.php?url=<yourWSLIP>/websolarlog/api.php/Live?url=<yourWSLIP>/websolarlog/api.php/Live:60000:XSLT(wsl_pv_GP.xsl)]" }
Number DiehlKW "Diehl KW [%.3f kW]"

I then transformed the same by a rule into kW.

Sample Rules

Created to react on the kW generated to close down some shutters:

// Calculate based on Input from Script the kW rule "Calc KW" when Item DiehlW received update then { var diehlW = DiehlW.state as DecimalType var diehlKW = (diehlW / 1000) postUpdate(DiehlKW, diehlKW) } end

// Calculate the average kW from last 90 minutes rule "Calc SolarAverage" when Item DiehlKW received update then var diehlAV = DiehlKW.averageSince(now.minusMinutes(90)) as DecimalType postUpdate(DiehlAV, diehlAV) end

// Activate the Solar actions based on an average kW above 1.8 rule "Activate SunAuto based on SolarAverage" when Item DiehlAV received update then if (DiehlAV.state >= 1.8) { sendCommand(SunAuto, ON) } else sendCommand(SunAuto, OFF) end
// Activate shutter down when SunAuto.state is ON between 11-17 every 15 minutes rule "Sonnenschutz Automatisch" when Time cron "0 */15 11-17 * * ?" then if(SunAuto.state==ON){ postUpdate(SunAutoActive, ON) sendCommand(Shutter_DG_West, DOWN) Thread::sleep(15000) sendCommand(Shutter_DG_West, STOP) } else if(SunAuto.state==OFF){ if (SunAutoActive.state==ON){ postUpdate(SunAutoActive, OFF) sendCommand(Shutter_DG_West, UP) } } end

Have fun!

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️