RFXCOM Binding - vpjuslin/openhab GitHub Wiki
Documentation of the RFXCOM binding Bundle
Binding should be compatible at least with RFXtrx433 USB 433.92MHz transceiver, which contains both receiver and transmitter functions.
Supports RF 433 Mhz protocols like: HomeEasy, Cresta, X10, La Crosse, OWL, CoCo (KlikAanKlikUit), Oregon e.o.
See further information from http://www.rfxcom.com
RFXCOM binding support currently TemperatureHumidity, Lighting1, Lighting2, Lighting5, Lighting6, Curtain1 & Thermostat1 packet types.
For installation of the binding, please see Wiki page Bindings.
First of all you need to configure the following values in the openhab.cfg file (in the folder '${openhab_home}/configurations').
############################### RFXCOM Binding #########################################
# Serial port of RFXCOM interface
# Valid values are e.g. COM1 for Windows and /dev/ttyS0 or /dev/ttyUSB0 for Linux
# Set mode command for controller (optional)
# E.g. rfxcom:setMode=0D000000035300000C2F00000000
The rfxcom:serialPort
value is the identification of the serial port on the host system where RFXCOM controller is connected, e.g.
"COM1" on Windows,"/dev/ttyS0" on Linux or "/dev/tty.PL2303-0000103D" on Mac.
NOTE: On Linux, should the RFXCOM device be added to the dialout
group, you may get an error stating the the serial port cannot be opened when the RfxCom plugin tries to load. You can get around this by adding the openhab
user to the dialout
group like this: usermod -a -G dialout openhab
The rfxcom:setMode
value is optional. Set mode command can be used to configure RFXCOM controller to listening to various receiver protocols. This is very useful because the receiver will become more sensitive when only the required protocols are enabled. You can use the RFXmngr application to get the valid configuration command. Command must be a 28 characters (14 bytes) hexadecimal string. You can also use this to get the Device Ids needed below.
In order to bind an item to RFXCOM device, you need to provide configuration settings. The easiest way to do so is to add some binding information in your item file (in the folder configurations/items). The syntax of the binding configuration strings accepted is the following:
in: rfxcom="<DeviceId:ValueSelector"
out: rfxcom=">DeviceId:PacketType.SubType:ValueSelector"
where DeviceID
is a valid wireless device identifier.
Lighting1 format:
e.g. B.1, B.2 or B.0 for group functions -
Lighting2 formats:
e.g. 636602.1 or 636602.0 for group functions -
Lighting5 format:
e.g. 636602.1 -
Lighting6 format:
e.g. 257.B.1, 64343.B.2 or 636602.H.5 -
Curtain1 format:
e.g. P.1 see RFXCOM documentation -
TemperatureHumidity format:
e.g. 2561
Examples, how to configure your items:
Weather Station Example
Number OutdoorTemperature { rfxcom="<2561:Temperature" }
Number OutdoorHumidity { rfxcom="<2561:Humidity" }
Number RainRate { rfxcom="<30464:RainRate" }
Number WindSpeed { rfxcom="<19968:WindSpeed" }
Switch Btn1 { rfxcom="<636602.1:Command" }
Number Btn1SignalLevel { rfxcom="<636602.1:SignalLevel" }
Dimmer Btn1DimLevel { rfxcom="<636602.1:DimmingLevel" }
String Btn2RawData { rfxcom="<636602.2:RawData" }
Switch ChristmasTreeLights { rfxcom">636602.1:LIGHTING2.AC:Command" }
Rollershutter CurtainDownstairs { rfxcom=">P.1:CURTAIN1.HARRISON:Shutter" }
Rollershutter ShutterBedroom { rfxcom=">" }
Switch swMotion { rfxcom="<4541155:Motion" }
Number MSensor_Bat { rfxcom="<4541155:BatteryLevel" }
Number RFXTemp_Living { rfxcom=<30515:Temperature"
Number RFXTemp_LivingSP { rfxcom="<30515:SetPoint" }
Contact RFXTemp_LivingRoom_Stat { rfxcom="<30515:Contact" }
Switch Light1 { rfxcom=">3155730.3:LIGHTING5.LIGHTWAVERF:Command"}
Dimmer Light2 "Light2 [%d %%]" { rfxcom=">3155730.4:LIGHTING5.LIGHTWAVERF:DimmingLevel" }
LIGHTWAVERF Mood Switch example
Number Button_MoodSwitch { rfxcom="<15942554.16:Mood" }
OWL CM160 Energy Monitor example
Number Owl_InstantAmps { rfxcom="<63689:InstantAmps"}
Number Owl_TotalAmpHours { rfxcom="<63689:TotalAmpHours" }
specify packet and sub type information ...
PacketType.SubType | Description | ValueSelector |
LIGHTING1.X10 | working | Command |
LIGHTING1.ARC | working | Command |
LIGHTING1.AB400D | Untested | |
LIGHTING1.WAVEMAN | Untested | |
LIGHTING1.EMW200 | Untested | |
LIGHTING1.IMPULS | working | Command |
LIGHTING1.PHILIPS | Untested | |
LIGHTING1.ENERGENIE | working | Command |
LIGHTING2.AC | working | Command, DimmingLevel |
LIGHTING2.HOME_EASY_EU | working | Command,DimmingLevel |
LIGHTING2.ANSLUT | Untested | |
LIGHTING5.LIGHTWAVERF | working | Command, DimmingLevel |
LIGHTING6.BLYSS | working | Command |
CURTAIN1.HARRISON | Harrison curtain rail, e.g. Neta 12 | Shutter |
TEMPERATURE.La Crosse TX17 | working | |
TEMPERATUREHUMIDITY.Oregon 2.1 THGN122_123_132_THGR122_228_238_268 |
working | |
Untested | |
TEMPERATUREHUMIDITY.TFA_TS34C__CRESTA | Working | Temperature, Humidity, HumidityStatus, BatteryLevel, SignalLevel |
Untested | |
TEMPERATUREHUMIDITY.VIKING_02035_02038 | Untested | |
SECURITY1.X10_SECURITY_MOTION | working | Motion |
THERMOSTAT1 | Digimax 210 working | Temperature, SetPoint, Contact |
ENERGY.ELEC2 | Owl CM160 Working | InstantAmps, TotalAmpHours |
RFY.RFY | Working |
specify ...
Value selector | Valid OpenHAB data type | Information |
RawData | StringItem | |
Command | SwitchItem | ON, OFF, GROUP_ON, GROUP_OFF |
SignalLevel | NumberItem | |
DimmingLevel | DimmerItem | UP, DOWN, PERCENTAGE |
Temperature | NumberItem | |
Humidity | NumberItem | |
HumidityStatus | StringItem | |
BatteryLevel | NumberItem | |
Shutter | RollershutterItem | OPEN, CLOSE, STOP |
Motion | SwitchItem | MOTION, NO_MOTION |
Voltage | NumberItem | |
SetPoint | NumberItem | |
Pressure | NumberItem | |
Forecast | NumberItem | |
RainRate | NumberItem | |
RainTotal | NumberItem | |
WindDirection | NumberItem | |
WindSpeed | NumberItem | |
Gust | NumberItem | |
ChillFactor | NumberItem | |
InstantPower | NumberItem | |
TotalUsage | NumberItem | |
Voltage | NumberItem | |
InstantAmps | NumberItem | |
TotalAmpHours | NumberItem | |
Status | StringItem | |
Mood | NumberItem | |
Contact | ContactItem |