IEC 62056 21 Meter Binding - vpjuslin/openhab GitHub Wiki
Documentation of the IEC 62056-21 meter binding bundle
This binding is used to communicate to metering devices supporting serial communication according IEC 62056-21 mode C master. It can be used to read metering data from slaves such as gas, water, heat, or electricity meters. For further information read Wiki page of IEC 62056-21.
Information receive from the meter device are structured according IEC 62056-6-1:2013, Object identification system (OBIS). For further information read Wiki page of OBIS ("Object Identification System").
For installation of the binding, please see Wiki page Bindings.
The openhab.cfg file (in the folder '${openhab_home}/configurations') contain following config parameters to configure the binding. The configuration allows the definition of multiple meter devices.
######################### IEC 620562-21 Meter Binding ####################
# the serial port to use for connecting to the metering device e.g. COM1 for Windows and /dev/ttyS0 or
# /dev/ttyUSB0 for Linux
# Delay of baud rate change in ms. Default is 0. USB to serial converters often require a delay of up to 250ms
# default is 0ms
# Enable handling of echos caused by some optical tranceivers
# default is true
# Perform a module status query every x seconds (optional, defaults to 600 (10 minutes)).
NOTE: the <meter-id1>
will be used in both the binding item configs and the action calls to defined which of your meter devices is connected to the item.
In order to bind an item to the data received from the meter device , you need to provide item configuration settings. The easiest way to do so is to add some binding information in your item file (in the folder configurations/items`). The syntax of the binding configuration strings accepted is the following: The syntax of an item configuration is shown in the following line in general:
Where meter-id matches one of the ids defined in your openhab.cfg file.
If you do not know the available OBIS on your meter device you propably find them on the local HMI of you meter device. Please review you manual of the meter device or read the instruction of your utility. You can also start openhab in debug mode, the binding will then dump all available OBIS it receives from the meter device in the osgi console.
Below is an example of represent the current energy counter tarif values as numeric items.
/* IEC 62056-21 Meter data */
Number Tarif_Period "Chart Period"
Number Tarif1 "High price tarif [%d kwh]" (gEnergy) { iec6205621meter="meter1:1.8.1" }
Number Tarif2 "Low price tarif [%d kwh]" (gEnergy) { iec6205621meter="meter1:1.8.2" }
Number ActualEnergyConsumption "Actual energy consumption [%.2f KW]" <gEnergy> () { iec6205621meter="meter1:16.7" }
In order to calculate the daily accumulated energy consumption below item and script will allow you to present a chart in your sitemap. First create the necessary items:
Number Tarif1Today "Daily Consumption High Price" (gEnergieConsumption)
Number Tarif2Today "Daily Consumption Low Price" (gEnergieConsumption)
Second add below script to your rules:
rule "Energy chart"
Item Tarif1 changed or
Item Tarif2 changed
var Number tmp
var Number stopTarif1
var Number stopTarif2
var Number startTarif1
var Number startTarif2
if (Tarif1.state instanceof DecimalType && Tarif2.state instanceof DecimalType) {
stopTarif1 = Tarif1.maximumSince(now.toDateMidnight).state as DecimalType
stopTarif2 = Tarif2.maximumSince(now.toDateMidnight).state as DecimalType
startTarif1 = Tarif1.minimumSince(now.toDateMidnight).state as DecimalType
startTarif2 = Tarif2.minimumSince(now.toDateMidnight).state as DecimalType
tmp = stopTarif1 - startTarif1
postUpdate(Tarif1Today, tmp)
tmp = stopTarif2 - startTarif2
postUpdate(Tarif2Today, tmp)
Third add below Frame to your sitemap:
Frame label="Energie" {
Text item=Tarif1 icon="energy" {
Frame {
Text item=Tarif1
Text item=Tarif2
Chart item=gEnergieConsumption period=D refresh=600
Chart item=gEnergieConsumption period=W refresh=3600
Text item=ActualEnergyConsumption icon="energy" {
Frame {
Text item=ActualEnergyConsumption
Switch item=ActualEnergyConsumption_Chart_Perdiod label="Period" mappings=[0="Hour", 1="Day", 2="Week"]
Chart item=ActualEnergyConsumption period=h visibility=[ActualEnergyConsumption_Period==0, ActualUsage_Chart_Period==Uninitialized ]
Chart item=ActualEnergyConsumption period=D visibility=[ActualEnergyConsumption_Chart_Period==1]
Chart item=ActualEnergyConsumption period=W visibility=[ActualEnergyConsumption_Chart_Period==2]
The binding has been successfully tested with below hardware configuration:
- Landis & Gyr meter ZMD120AR connected with IR-Reader RS232 from open hardware project in volkszaehler
- Landis & Gyr meter E350 connected with IR-Reader RS232 from open hardware project in volkszaehler
- Landis & Gyr meter connected the IR-Reader USB from open hardware project in volkszaehler