Daikin Binding - vpjuslin/openhab GitHub Wiki

Documentation of the Daikin binding bundle.


This binding allows you to monitor and control a Daikin air conditioner/heat pump via openHAB. In order for this to work a KKRP01A Online Controller must be installed in your Daikin unit and connected to your LAN.

There is a list of units that are compatible with the KKRP01A here and instructions on how to install and configure the controller here.

The KKRP01A has a built in web server which allows you to poll the devices status (via GET requests) as well as send commands (via POST requests) to turn the unit on/off, change its mode, etc.

Binding Configuration

You need to let openHAB know where to find the KKRP01A web server and set how often you would like the binding to refresh any status items (send a GET request).

The binding supports more than one KKRP01A if required.

openhab.cfg Config

############################# Daikin Binding #############################

# the refresh interval (in ms)

# where <name> is used in your item bindings
#daikin:<name>.username=<not used>
#daikin:<name>.password=<not used>

Item bindings

The binding supports both inbound and outbound bindings.

Inbound (readonly) bindings

// the temperature/humidity at the indoor unit
Number  DaikinTempIn      "Temp Inside [%.1f °C]"      { daikin="<name>:tempin" }
Number  DaikinHumidityIn  "Humidity Inside [%.1f %%]"  { daikin="<name>:humidityin" }

// the temperature at the outdoor unit
Number  DaikinTempOut     "Temp Outside [%.1f °C]"     { daikin="<name>:tempout" }

Outbound (command) bindings

// power
Switch  DaikinPower  "Power"           { daikin="<name>:power" }

// mode of operation - one of Auto/Dry/Cool/Heat/Fan/Night
String  DaikinMode   "Mode [%s]"       { daikin="<name>:mode" }

// temperature set point
Number  DaikinTemp   "Temp [%.0f °C]"  { daikin="<name>:temp" }

// fan mode - one of Auto/F1/F2/F3/F4/F5
String  DaikinFan    "Fan [%s]"        { daikin="<name>:fan" }

// swing mode - one of Off/UpDown
String  DaikinSwing  "Swing [%s]"      { daikin="<name>:swing" }

// timer mode - one of Off-Off/Off-On/On-Off/On-On (start/end timers)
String  DaikinTimer  "Timer [%s]"      { daikin="<name>:timer" }

The KKRP01A supports user authentication however this is not currently supported by the binding.

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