AlarmDecoder binding - vpjuslin/openhab GitHub Wiki
The AlarmDecoder is a hardware adapter that interfaces with Ademco/Honeywell alarm panels. It acts essentially like a keypad, reading and writing messages on a serial bus that connects keypads with the main panel.
There are several versions of the adapter available: ad2pi (a board that plugs into a raspberry pi and so offers network-based tcp connectivity), ad2serial (serial port access), or ad2usb (emulated serial port via usb).
This binding allows openhab to access the status of contacts and motion detectors connected to Honeywell Vista 20p and similar alarm panels.
How to wire the alarm decoder into the panel is described in the alarm decoder quickstart guide. Before working on the main panel it is advisable to put the alarm system in test mode, and unplug the phone connection to it for good measure (don't forget to plug it back in when finished).
Understanding exactly what expansion boards are connected to the main panel is crucial for a successful setup of the alarmdecoder and also helpful in interpreting the messages from the alarmdecoder.
While many of the expansion devices don't have labels on the outside, inserting a flat screwdriver into the right slot and prying gently will usually uncover a circuit board with numbers on it that can be web searched.
Although not mentioned in the quickstart guide, and only documented on an odd thread, configuring the virtual relay boards is absolutely necessary on panels like the Honeywell Vista 20p and similar, or else all of the eight on-board zones will not be visible! The process sounds intimidating, and it does require bypassing the installer code (see panel documentation about that), but it is not all that hard.
Once the hardware has been set up properly, a simple, well documented clear text ASCII byte stream is obtained, either on a serial port, or (with the ad2pi appliance) a tcp port that can be telneted to.
Here is an example ASCII stream straight from the alarmdecoder:
!SER2SOCK Connected
[0000000110000000----],005,[f70000ff1005000028020000000000],"FAULT 05 MUSIC ROOM WINDOW "
[0000030110000000----],006,[f70000ff1006030028020000000000],"FAULT 06 OFFICE WINDOW "
[0000000110000000----],014,[f70000ff1014000028020000000000],"FAULT 14 KITCHENDOOR "
[0000000110000000----],014,[f70000ff1014000028020000000000],"FAULT 14 KITCHENDOOR "
Each alarm zone of the panel is represented by a unique combination of message type and address. The message type depends on how the zone is connected to the panel: via radio frequency (RFX), a zone expander board (EXP), a relay board (REL), or as a keypad (KPM). For instance: !REL:14,02,01 indicates that relay board 14, channel 02 has gone into state 01. The message type is REL, the address is 14,02.
Before configuring the binding one must determine which zone generates what message. The easiest way is to observe the ascii stream while faulting a given zone by e.g. opening a window or door.
The openhab.cfg file allows to configure either a tcp:
or a serial connection:
Warning: using an alarmdecoder via serial port has not been debugged yet! To send commands from openhab to the alarm panel, add this configuration line:
Once this option is set to true, the alarm system can potentially be disabled from openHAB. You have been warned!
Once the openhab.cfg is taken care of, create a suitable file (e.g. alarmdecoder.items) in the items folder of your openhab home directory.
Here is an example file that instantiates some Number and Contact items, and a String item
Group gPanel "alarm panel" (All)
Number alarmPanelStatusRaw "panel status: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#status"}
Number alarmPanelStatusReady "panel ready: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#status,bit=17"}
Number alarmPanelStatusAway "panel away: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#status,bit=16"}
Number alarmPanelStatusHome "panel home: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#status,bit=15"}
Number alarmPanelStatusBacklight "panel backlight: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#status,bit=14"}
Number alarmPanelStatusProgramming "panel programming: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#status,bit=13"}
Number alarmPanelStatusBypass "panel bypassed: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#status,bit=9"}
Number alarmPanelStatusPower "panel on AC: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#status,bit=8"}
Number alarmPanelStatusChime "panel chime: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#status,bit=7"}
Number alarmPanelStatusAlarmOccured "panel alarm occurred: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#status,bit=6"}
Number alarmPanelStatusAlarm "panel alarm sounding: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#status,bit=5"}
Number alarmPanelStatusBatteryLow "panel battery low: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#status,bit=4"}
Number alarmPanelStatusDelay "panel delay off: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#status,bit=3"}
Number alarmPanelStatusFire "panel fire: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#status,bit=2"}
Number alarmPanelStatusZoneIssue "panel zone issue: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#status,bit=1"}
Number alarmPanelStatusArmedStay "panel armed stay: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#status,bit=0"}
Contact alarmPanelContactReady "panel ready: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#contact,bit=17"}
Contact alarmPanelContactAway "panel away: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#contact,bit=16"}
Contact alarmPanelContactHome "panel home: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#contact,bit=15"}
Contact alarmPanelContactBacklight "panel backlight: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#contact,bit=14"}
Contact alarmPanelContactProgramming "panel programming: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#contact,bit=13"}
Contact alarmPanelContactBypass "panel bypassed: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#contact,bit=9"}
Contact alarmPanelContactPower "panel on AC: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#contact,bit=8"}
Contact alarmPanelContactChime "panel chime: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#contact,bit=7"}
Contact alarmPanelContactAlarmOccured "panel alarm occurred: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#contact,bit=6"}
Contact alarmPanelContactAlarm "panel alarm sounding: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#contact,bit=5"}
Contact alarmPanelContactBatteryLow "panel battery low: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#contact,bit=4"}
Contact alarmPanelContactDelay "panel delay off: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#contact,bit=3"}
Contact alarmPanelContactFire "panel fire: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#contact,bit=2"}
Contact alarmPanelContactZoneIssue "panel zone issue: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#contact,bit=1"}
Contact alarmPanelContactArmedStay "panel armed stay: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#contact,bit=0"}
Number alarmPanelBeeps "panel beeps: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#beeps"}
Number alarmPanelZone "panel zone: [%d]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#zone"}
String alarmPanelDisplay "panel display: [%s]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#text"}
Note that the status bits are accessible as either Contacts or Numbers. All but a few of them are quite useless.
Here is how to bind items to RFX, REL, and EXP messages:
Group gContact "contacts" (All)
Group gNumber "data" (All)
Contact zone2 "zone 2 [MAP(]" (gContact) {alarmdecoder="EXP:07,08#contact"}
Contact zone1 "zone 1 [MAP(]" (gContact) {alarmdecoder="REL:13,01#contact"}
Contact motionContact "motion sensor contact [MAP(]" (gContact) {alarmdecoder="RFX:0923844#contact,bitmask=0x80"}
Contact WindowContact "window/door magnetic contact (5816) [MAP(]" (gContact) {alarmdecoder="RFX:0923844#contact,bitmask=0x20"}
Number motionData "motion sensor data [%d]" (gNumber) {alarmdecoder="RFX:0923844#data"}
Number motionLowBattery "motion sensor battery [%d]" (gNumber) {alarmdecoder="RFX:0923844#data,bit=1"}
Number motionNeedsSupervision "motion sensor supervision [%d]" (gNumber) {alarmdecoder="RFX:0923844#data,bit=2"}
Just like for the KPM messages, the RFX messages are exposed either as a Number item, or as a Contact. Since the REL and EXP messages just give binary data, they are only mapped to contact items.
Bitmask values for RFX messages are as follows:
0x02 - battery alert
0x04 - supervision (tamper)
0x10 - loop3
0x20 - loop2
0x40 - loop4
0x80 - loop1
Most wireless devices will transmit their state on loop1 (0x80). Honeywell 5816 sensors (often used on doors/windows) use loop1 (0x80) for external contacts, and loop2 (0x40) for the magnetic contact; the 5804 remote keyfob uses one zone for each button.
If you don't care much about security and want to operate your alarm keypad from within openhab,
enable send_commands_and_compromise_security=true
as discussed above, and add these lines to
your alarmdecoder.items file:
Number alarmPanelLine1 "" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="SEND#1=1,2=2,3=3", autoupdate="false"}
Number alarmPanelLine2 "" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="SEND#4=4,5=5,6=6", autoupdate="false"}
Number alarmPanelLine3 "" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="SEND#7=7,8=8,9=9", autoupdate="false"}
Number alarmPanelLine4 "" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="SEND#10=*,0=0,11=POUND", autoupdate="false"}
String sAlarmPanelDisplay "panel display: [%s]" (gPanel) {alarmdecoder="KPM:00#text"}
These items accept "Number" commands from the openHAB bus, and map them to strings which are then SEND to the alarm panel. In the above example, when a number 10 arrives, a "*" is sent to the alarmdecoder, or any string that is configured. Note that the special character sequence POUND will be further translated to "#".
For the GUI to show the keypad, the following lines need to be added to the sitemap file:
Switch item=alarmPanelLine1 label="line1" mappings=[ 1="1____(OFF)", 2="2(AWAY)", 3="3__(STAY)"]
Switch item=alarmPanelLine2 label="line2" mappings=[ 4="____4_____", 5="5(TEST)", 6="6(BYPASS)"]
Switch item=alarmPanelLine3 label="line3" mappings=[ 7="7(INSTANT)", 8="8(CODE)", 9="9_(CHIME)"]
Switch item=alarmPanelLine4 label="line4" mappings=[10="*__(READY)", 0="___0___", 11="____#____"]
Text item=sAlarmPanelDisplay
To get additional debugging information, insert the following into
your logback.xml
<appender name="ALARMDECODERFILE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
<rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
<pattern>%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5level %logger{30}[:%line]- %msg%n%ex{5}</pattern>
<!-- Change DEBUG->TRACE for even more detailed logging -->
<logger name="org.openhab.binding.alarmdecoder" level="DEBUG" additivity="false">
<appender-ref ref="ALARMDECODERFILE" />
This will log additional debugging messages to a separate file in the log directory.
The alarmdecoder cannot query the panel for the state of individual zones. For this reason, the binding puts contacts into the "unknown" state, until the panel goes into the READY state. At that point all contacts for which no messages have arrived are presumed to be in the CLOSED state. In other words: to get to a clean slate after an openhab restart, close all doors/windows such that the panel is READY.
The sitemap provided above may not display properly when viewing from the classical GUI. It has been confirmed to work with GreenT, Habdroid and IOS.