Lenses - vpatryshev/wowiki GitHub Wiki


This table of lenses is inspired by the following article. All categories are regular small categories, so things are simpler than in the original paper.


  • C and D are categories, a, b, etc are objects.
  • a∈C, s∈C - objects, where a represents a smaller type, and s represents a larger type.
  • b∈D, t∈D - objects, where b represents a smaller type, and t represents a larger type.
  • We could think of a as a "member" of type s, and of b as a member of type t - meaning that it's rather actually an arrow, s→a
  • (•): C × DD is a monoidal action of C on D
access : s -> Either[t, (a, b => t)]
Name Formula Meaning Code Sample
Adapter C(s, a) × D(b, t) Two components, one extracts an a from an s, another is a factory that produces a t from b
Lens C(s,a)×D(s•b,t) Two components, one exracts an a from an s, another is a factory that, given an s and a b, produces a t (here C acts on D via (•))
 view: s => a
 build: s => b => t
Monoidal Lens CCom(s,a)×C(Us×b,t) CCom is the category of cocommutative comonoids; U is the forgetful functor
Algebraic Lens C(s,a) × D(Ms • b, t) A pair, an extractor of a from s, and a producer of t from Ms • b. M is a monad. Same as regular lense, but the factory takes Ms • b.

When M is List, this lens is called Classifying Lens.

When M is Option, this lens is called Achromatic Lens.

 view: s => a
 build: M[s] => b => t

The case of M is Option:

 view: s => a
 update: s => b => t
 create: b => t
Monadic Lens C(s,a) × C(s×b, Mt) Same as the regular lens, but M is a monad, and so we have a side effect when updating
 view: s => a
 build: s => b => M[t]
Linear Lens C(s, tb • a) Here tb is an internal Hom in C (the right adjoint to ×).
 putget: s => (b => t, a)
Prism C(s, t•a) × D(b, t) a prism from (S,T) to (A,B) is a lens from (T,S) to (B,A) in the opposite categories Dop and Cop. However, they can also be seen as optics from (A, B) to (S, T).
 decompose: s => (t, a)
 create: b => t
Coalg. Prism C(s, Θt • a) × D(b, t)
cMatch: s => Either[(c, t), a]
build:  b => t
Grate D(as • b, t) Grates create a new structure provided a way of creating a new focus from a view function.
grate: ((s => a) => b) => t
Glass C(s × bas, t) In functional programming, glasses can be implemented by a single function glass that takes a way of transforming views into new foci and uses it to update the data structure.
glass: ((s => a) => b) => (s => t)
Affine Traversal C(s, t + a × tb)
Traversal C(s, ∫n∈ℕan×tbn)
extract: s => (List[a], List[b] => t)
Kaleidoscope n∈ℕ V((bn)an, tsn) Kaleidoscopes are optics for the action of applicative functors. Known in Haskell programming as the FunList applicative
aggregate: (List[a] => b) => List[s] => t
Getter C(s, a)
get: s => a
Review D(b, t)
review: b => t
Setter C(ba, ts)
over: (a => b) => s => t
Fold V(s,La) The category of foldable functors is the slice category on the list functor L: V → V, also known as the free monoid functor. Folds are degenerate optics for the action of foldable functors
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