Installation Guide - vmasc-capabilities-lab/RUDE GitHub Wiki

Unity Install

To add RUDE's logging capability to your own personal Unity project, start by navigating to Unity's Package Manager under the Window menu.

From the Package Manager, click the "+" icon in the top left of the window. From the dropdown, select "Add package from git URL...".

Copy and Paste RUDE's git url into the dialog box, then click "Add".

If the git url was correct, the RUDE package information will appear.

Now that the RUDE package has been added to your Unity project, you can view the RUDE files. Navigate to "Packages/RUDE", and you should see all added files.

To allow RUDE to run, the "RudeManager" prefab must be added to the root of your scene. Navigate to "Packages/RUDE/Runtime/Prefabs" to find the prefab that must be clicked & dragged into your active scene. For each Unity scene you want RUDE logging, a new instance of the logger prefab must be added.

Optional: If you would like your RUDE logger to connect to a personal Azure account, click the "RudeManager" prefab object and navigate to its "Events Manager" script. From here, change the "Connection String" to match your Azure information. You do not need Azure to run RUDE's logger, this is simply an extra feature for logger web storage.

Once the "RudeManager" prefab is added to the scene, all that's left is to add the "EventLogger" script to any scene object you'd like logging functionality. To find the script, navigate to "Packages/RUDE/Runtime/Scripts" to find the "EventLogger" script.

Once dragged onto the object of your choosing, simply change the "Verb", "Object", & "Payload" fields to match your needs.

  • Verb is the action that has occurred.
  • Object is what has been modified by the Verb.
  • Payload is any additional information tied to this event. This can be anything from a detail separating it from others logged, or a small description.
  • Option indicates when the event is fired. For example, "OnTriggerEnter" will fire any time the Subject enters another trigger during gameplay.

Repeat the previous step for all Objects you'd like to be logged. Now, every time the current scene runs, a log file will automatically be created detailing every logging event that has been fired during runtime, including the exact time & date the event has occured.

.NET Install

At this time, Unity is the only supported platform for RUDE's logging capability, however alternative options are planned for future development. Check out the Future Development page for more info.