FAQ - vkdolea/age-system GitHub Wiki

Each FoundryVTT system has some specific characteristics that may be very logical for the system developer... But very weird for the end user point of view. This FAQ tries to address AGE System (unofficial) quirkies.

1. I can not create Focus, Weapons, Talents, Powers, etc. on character sheet. Is the system broken?

No, it is not! The concept here is to create items on Item Directory and then drag and drop them on character sheet. If you want to pass the same item to another character, you can drag and drop from Item Directory or you can drag and drop from another character sheet. Here is a link for FoundryVTT knowledge base detailing Item creation.

2. What is the recommended configuration to play The Expanse?

Lots of customization is possible using AGE System (unofficial), which may cause some confusion when configuring System Settings, and the most recurring doubt is about The Expanse. You can go to Game Settings and select Quick AGE Settings to select your game's setting - it will automatically change all necessary Advanced AGE Settings. Here is a example list with the Advance AGE Settings for The Expanse.

Health System: The Expanse
Initiative Focus: this type the name of focus used to roll Initiative
Use Impact and Ballistic Armor: No
Use Fatigue: No (it will be tracked in the conditions)
Use Power Points: No
Select Primary Abilities: No
Select Game Mode: None
Select Health Tracker: Fortune (automation to spend Fortune to change dice face is not implemented)
Wealth System in Use: Income
Ability Settings: Core AGE
Select client side color scheme: your call
Occupation Options: Profession
Ancestry Options: Origin
Weapon Groups: leave this field empty
Use Complication or Churn: Churn
Use Serendipity: No
Select Compendium with Focus: your call

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