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#Sign Language
####Sign language is an independent, naturally occurring or artificially created language, consisting of a combination of gestures, each of which is produced in conjunction with hands, facial expressions, shape or movement of the mouth and lips, as well as in combination with the position of the body. These languages are mainly used in the culture of the deaf with the purpose of communication. The use of sign languages by people without hearing impairment is quite common: often it's needed to communicate with people with hearing impairments,who are users of sign language.
###World sign language schools #####In Europe, with an increase in mobility over large areas within the entire states began to develop uniform, national languages.A parallel process occurred in the case of sign languages. The most important impetus to the development and dissemination of sign languages in the territory of entire nations has been the emergence in the late XVIII century. of educational centers for children with hearing impairment: in France it was under the direction of Abbot Charles Michel de l'Epe,in Germany - under the leadership of Samuel Heinicke. The main task seen was to give children possibility to master the written form of the languages. the basis of language learning has become a natural sign language that developed in the national Deaf community, but based on them have become artificially create gestural interpretation of the French and German languages. #####Another sign language school is ASL , or American Sign Language. It was created in the middle of the XVIII century,when the French deaf teacher Laurent Clerc came at the request of US cities to create the first school for the deaf in the United States. Laurent Clerc himself, being a follower of sign method of Abbe de l'Epe,which influenced the distribution of sign language in the United States and explains the similarity of the American and French Sign Language. #####In Russia the first school for children with hearing impairment was opened in 1806 in city of Pavlovsk and, as in the US,its work was based on the French technique. As a result, Russian sign language was similar to American sign language.The first school in Moscow was opened in 1860, and it was based purely on German method. Echoes of the struggle between these two methods are still felt in the Russian teaching theory. #####Last but not the least is ISL, International Sign Language,which was created in 1951 when the participants of the first World Congress of the Deaf decided to standardize the language of communication at international events. The need for this kind of "sign Esperanto" was due to the fact that in congresses, conferences, symposiums on deafness with audiologists, psychologists, teachers, engineers and other professionals are involved,like social workers and community leaders that are partially or completely deaf.
###Linguistics of Sign Language
####From linguistic point of view, sign languages are just as rich and complicated as any other sound language, despite the general attitude towards them as "artificial" languages. Professional linguists have conducted studies in which it was proved that sign languages have all the components needed to characterize them as full-fledged language.
#####Words of sign languages, as well as the words of ordinary language, consist of elementary non-sense components - hirem (analogy in ordinary language - phonemes). The gesture may consist of 5 members, united in HOLME acronym for the first letters of English words:
- Handshape
- Orientation
- Location
- Movement
- Facial Expression
###Resources online
#####To find out more about sign language you can visit: