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English language

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

wiki pedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_language


  • English foot, German Fuß, Norwegian and Swedish fot (initial f derived from Proto-Indo-European p through Grimm's law)Latin pes, stem ped-; Modern Greek πόδι pódi; Russian под pod; Sanskrit पद् pád (original Proto-Indo-European p)
  • English cheese, Frisian tsiis (ch and ts from palatalization).German Käse and Dutch kaas (k without palatalization)


Main article: History of the English language

From Proto-Germanic to Old English

Foxas habbað holu and heofonan fuglas nest.Fox-as habb-að hol-u and heofon-an fugl-as nest-∅.fox-nom.pl have-prs.pl hole-acc.pl and heaven-gen.sg bird-nom.pl nest-acc.pl.Foxes have holes and the birds of heaven nests

Middle English

  • 1 Main article: Middle English
    • 1 In the period from the 8th to the 12th century, Old English was gradually transformed through language contact into Middle English. Middle English is often arbitrarily defined as beginning with the conquest of England by William the Conqueror in 1066, but it was fully developed in the period from 1200-1450.
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