Classes with methods and properties - vilinski/nemerle GitHub Wiki

Classes with methods and properties

  • Category: Defining Types
  • Description: Classes can contain methods of general form and properties.
  • Code:
using System;
using System.Console;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Nemerle.Assertions;

// The macro "Record" creates a constructor which initializes all instance 
// fields of the class. In this case the auto-property field.
class Circle2
  public Radius : double { get; set; } // auto property Read/Write with get and set

  // Read only property with get
  public Area : double { get { Math.PI * Radius * Radius } }

  public this() { this(1.0) }

  public this([NotNull] text : string) { this(double.Parse(text)) }

  public CalculateCircumference() : double { System.Math.PI * 2.0 * Radius }

  public override ToString() : string {$"Circle = $Radius"}

class Test
  // Property with default initializer, you can use any valid expression.
  public DefInit : double { get; default 10 }

  // Parenthesis can be omitted with single expression
  public OtherProperty : double { get DefInit; set WriteLine($"Set $value"); }

def c1 = Circle2(2.0);
def c2 = Circle2("10,0");
def c3 = Circle2();
WriteLine($"c1.Area = $(c1.Area) = $c1");
WriteLine($"c2.Area = $(c2.Area) = $c2");
WriteLine($"c3.Area = $(c3.Area) = $c3");
c1.Radius = 5.0;
c2.Radius *= 10;
WriteLine($"c1.Area = $(c1.Area) = $c1");
WriteLine($"c2.Area = $(c2.Area) = $c2");
def circumference = c1.CalculateCircumference();
WriteLine($"circumference $circumference");

def t = Test();
WriteLine($"t.DefInit = $(t.DefInit)");
WriteLine($"t.OtherProperty = $(t.OtherProperty)");
t.OtherProperty = 100;

  • Execution Result:
c1.Area = 12,5663706143592 = Circle = 2
c2.Area = 314,159265358979 = Circle = 10
c3.Area = 3,14159265358979 = Circle = 1
c1.Area = 78,5398163397448 = Circle = 5
c2.Area = 31415,9265358979 = Circle = 100
circumference 31,4159265358979
t.DefInit = 10
t.OtherProperty = 10
Set 100

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