Base operators - vilinski/nemerle GitHub Wiki

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Base operators

Unary operators

  • “-” — negation

  • “+” — plus

  • “!” — not

  • “~” — bitwise XOR. The ~ operator performs a bitwise complement operation on its operand, which has the effect of reversing each bit.

Binary operators

  • “=” — assignment

  • “<” — less

  • “>” — greet

  • “==” — equals or reference equals

  • “!=” — not equals or reference not equals

  • “>=” — greet or equals

  • “<=” — less or equals

  • “+” — sum or string concatenation

  • “-” — minus

  • “/” — division

  • “*” — multiplication

  • “&” — bitwise AND.

  • “\” — bitwise OR.

All other operators are introduced by macros.

See also

Macro packages

Core expressions (ref)

Secondary expressions (ref)