GroundWork FoxHttp QuickStart - viascom/FoxHttp GitHub Wiki
compile 'ch.viascom.groundwork:foxhttp:1.1'
If you use FoxHttp in android make sure you have the jack option enabled. This is needed, because FoxHttp uses Java 8.
android {
defaultConfig {
jackOptions {
enabled true
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
If you are using proguard you have to add this to your file:
-keep class ch.viascom.groundwork.** {
FoxHttpResponse foxHttpResponse = new FoxHttpRequestBuilder("").build().execute();
FoxHttpResponse foxHttpResponse = new FoxHttpRequestBuilder("", RequestType.POST)
.setRequestBody(new RequestStringBody("Request-Body", ContentType.DEFAULT_TEXT))