USD on macOS Maya - vfxpro99/usd-build-club GitHub Wiki
#Building USD on macOS for Maya
Building USD on macOS for Maya is only supported for Maya 2017.
Obtain the Maya 2017 devkit, and copy the contents of the downloaded DMG file to /Applications/Autodesk/maya2017, replacing the folders that are already there.
To allow USD's discovery of the Maya Sdk, you will need to link devkit/include to the new include location in the maya2017 directory.
cd /Applications/Autodesk/maya2017/devkit/
ln -s ../include include
USD's FindMaya.cmake script searches for GL/GLExt.h in the Maya devkit SDK. That doesn't exist on macOS and the easiest thing to do is to delete that chunk from the cmake script in the USD source. If you don't delete it, then the cmake configuration will fail.
Then, run the script.
git clone
mkdir USD_maya
cd USD_maya
The script will package the plug in at the location
The final bit of business is to make the plugin relocatable. Run
Follow the instructions in
Open Maya and open the Plugin manager, found at Windows > Settings/Preferences > Plugin-manager. Click Loaded beside pxrUsd.bundle, and click Autoload if you want the plugin automatically loaded at start.