Versions - vexorian/dizquetv GitHub Wiki


Stable versions are recommended. It takes more time for the stable branch to receive features, but it will receive them after they've been tested quite a bit by the community.

  • Latest stable version: 1.5.3
  • Docker hub: vexorian/dizquetv:latest (for automatic updates) or vexorian/dizquetv:1.5.3 (to stay in that version)


The Edge version branch receives features much sooner than the Stable branch. But they didn't go through as much testing as the features in the stable version. They may also not be fully supported yet by the python automation library.

  • Latest edge version: 1.5.2
  • Docker hub: vexorian/dizquetv:edge (for automatic updates) or vexorian/dizquetv:1.5.3 (to stay in that version)

(At the moment, stable and edge versions are the same, but when a new feature arrives and needs to be tested, edge will receive it first)


The development versions are for those who want to help us test stuff before it becomes an official version.