Channel that plays TV shows during the day and movies always at 19:00 - vexorian/dizquetv GitHub Wiki

This makes use of channel redirects, which is a feature where a channel redirects to another channel. And "flex time" which is a way to add time to channels where nothing specific is scheduled (some sort of fallback or filler has to be played during this).

Let's say you want to make a channel that plays TV shows during the day, but has a "prime time" slot at 19:00 where it plays a movie. How to make it work? Although maybe it would be nicer to have a more straight forward way to do it, it is possible by using the channel tools and making a dummy channel for the movies.

The dummy movie channel

  • Create a channel, give it an ugly number you don't want to use soon, like 9901.
  • Add the movies you want to play at 19:00
  • Open the tools menu and execute Restrict Hours , pick 19:00 as start time and 20:00 as end time. This will cause dizqueTV to add huge flex time blocks so that movies will always start at 19:00 and be followed by a lot of flex time until the next day's 19:00 time.
  • Set the channel as Stealth, this will make the channel invisible in the TV guide and channels list outside the web ui.

The real channel

In the real channel, you want to add the TV show. Select the shuffling, padding and all of the options you'd normally want to use in a normal "TV Show channel".

But the trick is to use the "Channel at night" tool. Select 19:00 as the start time and let's say 22:00 as the end time. And make it redirect to channel 9901 (The dummy channel we created). This means that the channel will redirect to the dummy channel from 19:00 to 22:00. All the existing programming will be automatically modified to accommodate this new rule.

The fine print.

This solution is not perfect. The main issue is that you need to pick a duration for the channel at night that's longer than the longest movie you want to make available here. And if the lengths of your movies vary a lot, then you might end up in a situation where tonight's movie is only 70-minutes long, which will mean that there will be a huge 140-minutes flex period in your channel after the movie plays.