Functional Requirements Document - venegasj/Smapp GitHub Wiki

Functional Requirements Document

ID Requirement Priority Comment
1 User should be able to create an account High none
2 User log into account High none
3 User should be able edit profile High none
4 User should be able post text High none
5 User should be able to post pictures High none
6 User should be able to post videos High none
7 User should be able to update posted content High none
8 User should be able to delete their posts High none
9 User should be able to like others posts High none
10 User should be able to share others posts High none
11 User should be able to log out of account High none
12 User should be able verify their identity High none
13 User should be able to post content High none
14 User should be able to view others posts High none
15 User should be able to report others posts High none
16 User should be able to contact customer service to get support High none
17 User should be able contact customer service to ask questions High none
18 User should be able contact customer service to make complaints High none