Keybinds and HUD - veerserif/GAMMA-manual GitHub Wiki

This page addresses mod-specific keybinds, how to use your in-game PDA, and how to interpret G.A.M.M.A.'s HUD system.


Click through for full size. Image from Discord, #keybinds-in-gamma channel. Image from Jan 29, 2022 and may be out of date.

Anomaly/S.T.A.L.K.E.R. default binds

All of these keybinds can be changed in Settings > Controls > Keybinds. Mouse scroll wheel cannot be bound.

Key Action
W/A/S/D Movement
Q/E Lean left/right
F Interact
Space Jump
Left Shift Walk/low crouch
X Sprint
Left Ctrl Crouch
Tab Open inventory
Caps Lock Open PDA
Left mouse button Shoot/Attack
Right mouse button Aim
Middle mouse button Quick melee
Mouse 4 Free look
1 Weapon (melee slot)
2 Weapon (secondary slot)
3 Weapon (primary slot)
4 Weapon (vision slot)
5 Bolt
6 Detector
7 Switch silencer (need to check)
8 Geiger counter (need to check)
0 Toggle fire mode
F1-F4 Item quick use
F5 Quicksave
F9 Quickload
R Reload, unjam, close PDA
T Clean gas mask
Y Ammo selection
U Unload all guns
G Grenade quick-throw
L Flashlight on/off
N NVG Gain adjustment
N (hold NVG on/off
M Toggle NVG scope
L (hold) Weapon laser on/off
V Underbarrel grenade launcher/secondary scope toggle
C Companion wheel
J Teleport companions
I Inventory
K Skills menu
H Cycle body health HUD
Home Reshade menu
Esc Game menu
Numpad Enter HUD toggle
Numpad 0 (debug mode on) Noclip toggle
` Open console
F12 Take screenshot

n.b. If the mod "G.A.M.M.A. Unjam Reload on the same key" is disabled, R is the default keybind for unjam while F10 becomes the default reload key.

Movement and control specifics

In the game, you are encourage to use cover by being able to crouch, low-crouch (similar to going prone in other games), and lean. Additionally, you can walk slowly by holding the Walk button while moving or crouching while moving - this allows players to engage in some level of stealth gameplay, avoiding detection or enabling stealthier kills.

Mod-specific keybinds

These can be changed in-game by going to the Mod Configuration Menu (MCM), and either selecting the MCM Keybinds tab, or finding the specific mod and changing it through that menu.

Key Mod Action
Mouse 5 Free Zoom Zoom in
/ Mini Map Toggle Minimap toggle
Z Patches by Hotkey Remove/add faction patch
, Weapon Tilt Raise/tilt weapon (disabled by default)
Shift + F Ammo Check Check ammo in current magazine
Shift + F5 YACS Use Daddy Token (quicksave away from campfire)

Ammo Check requires both it and Mags Redux to be activated to work.

Heads-Up Display

The heads-up display consists of a few main elements - click the above screenshot for a larger image.

Minimap: This is disabled by default, but can be toggled on or off through the Mini Map Toggle mod (default keybind: /). When on, it shows a minimap, which is always centered on the player and rotates depending on the direction the player is looking. There is a ring around the player showing compass directions, with N in green, E in yellow, S in red and W in blue. If available, a red arrow will point in the direction of the currently active task waypoint.

Message log: This can also be accessed through the "Messages" tab in the PDA. This is a scrolling feed of activities in the Zone, whether from other stalkers, or warnings and quest updates. Crucially, warnings to seek shelter or stay sheltered from psy-storms and emissions will be displayed here.

Body HUD: The Body HUD is part of the health system. It displays the player's psy-health, regular health (the paper-doll of the whole body), limb health, radiation and stamina. It can be cycled through three presets: labelled, unlabelled and off.

This is where information about your currently-equipped weapon is also displayed. There is a letter on the left that denotes the firing mode (where applicable):

  • 1 for semi-auto
  • A for automatic
  • 2 for 2-shot burst, 3 for 3-shot burst etc.

The number on the right is the number of rounds left in your current magazine.

Stalker IFF: The currently-targeted stalker's name, faction and faction icon is displayed here. This is the only way of seeing if a stalker is friendly, neutral or hostile from far away. Their hostility towards you depends on their faction relationship to you.

Companion icons: An icon representing your current companions is displayed on the right of the screen. If the icon has a red overlay it means that companion is currently in combat. The number at the bottom is how far away the companion is from you, in meters.

Icons: G.A.M.M.A. uses Strogglet15's Alternative Icons. These icons inform players of current status effects. In order of low to high severity, icons will have a white, yellow or red border on them. Icons include:

  • Status icons are always in white with a bold shadow, with colored corners depending on severity. If you can see any of them, it is time to address that particular need - whether it is radiation, thirst, hunger, sleep or health.
  • Buff icons mean some kind of positive effect is happening. Buff icons are outlined in white with no fill. From left to right in order, they indicate health regen, bleed halting, lowering radiation, carry weight boost and stamina boost.
  • Boosters are temporary damage resistances. They are always displayed against a solid black shield. From left to right the pictured boosters are for radiation resistance, acid resistance, and psy-resistance. Other forms include bullet/rupture damage (torso icon), impact damage (brick wall), fire resistance (flame), and electricity resistance (lightning bolt). These correspond to the icons found in the inventory screen.