Sensors For Measuring Mechanical States - vanderbiltrobotics/RoboticsIntelligenceDatabase GitHub Wiki

Sensors For Measuring Mechanical States

When designing a robot mechanically it's important to plan for the integration of sensors into the design early on. A good sensor placement provides meaningful information about the current state of the robot or the environment around a robot. These sensors can then allow programming to know these states and make decisions based on them. The primary use case is using sensors as feedback for controllers to move a robot to a desired state. (See Control Theory)


  • Digital sensor placed on the end of a shaft to measure radial position
  • Limited resolution based on the construction of the encoder
  • Current position is relative to the position when the program started watching the sensor
  • Primary use case: On shafts that can spin infinitely (Ex: Robot wheels)
  • Good in combination with another sensor to establish a known zero or starting point (See Limit Switches or Hall Effect Sensors)


  • Analog sensor placed on the end of a shaft to measure radial position
  • Limited resolution based on the Analog to Digital converter onboard the microprocessor
  • Current position is absolute and tracked while system doesn't have power
  • Has a fixed rotational range of motion
  • Primary use case: On shaft with mechanically limited movement (Ex: Arm joint)

Limit Switch

  • Digital sensor to detect when something depresses the sensor
  • Must be securely mounted to ensure full press of the switch
  • Comes in button and lever variants
  • Good for zeroing a system by designing to be pressed when the robot is in a certain mechanical state

Hall Effect Sensor

  • Technically an analog sensor, usually used as a digital sensor to detect nearby magnets
  • Acts as a limit switch which is activated by a nearby magnet instead of a press
  • Mount the magnet on mechanism which brings the magnet nearby the sensor
  • Good for mechanisms which move along a set path to detect a known position in the path (Ex: Elevator)
  • More reliable than Limit switches