Using Muliprocessing from Windows - vanTeeffelenLab/ExTrack GitHub Wiki

Muliprocessing can be used from windows (10 or more) using WSL. WSL allows to run Ubuntu from windows (See to install it).

Installing ExTrack on WSL

On the Ubuntu terminal, update ubuntu and install pip:

sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade (press Y for yes)

sudo apt install python3-pip

Install the dependencies:

pip install numpy lmfit xmltodict matplotlib pandas

Install ExTrack: pip install extrack

Using ExTrack on WSL

Once ExTrack has been installed, one can run a script to perform the parameter fitting. To do so, copy/past the file to a suitable working directory.

NB: On WSL, the User files can be accessed thanks to the path /mnt/c/Users/username. Then your script should be located at a path looking like /mnt/c/Users/username/pathtoyourscript/

The script aims to analyse multiple replicates, each composed from multiple movies. To do so, we need a folder than contains one or several folders that each represent one replicate and which contain one or multiple files (Each file representing one movie). The zip file contains such a folder. Unzip it to run the analysis on this folder. The folder dataset contains two folders: Exp1 and Exp2 which contain xml files. Therefore, read them using the ExTrack xml reader read_trackmate_xml. This reader can be replaced by another reader such as a scv reader of instance. See the tutorial Tutorials/Tutorial_ExTrack.ipynb for more information on the other readers.

In order to run the script on the example data set, you need to use a text editor to modify the path of your data set (variable datafolder) and your save directory SAVEDIR.

datafolder = '/mnt/c/Users/username/path/dataset' (line 9).

SAVEDIR = '/mnt/c/Users/username/path/Res' (line 10).

Once this is done you can run the script using: python3 /mnt/c/Users/username/path/

The number of cores to use can be specified by the variable workers = 5, line 11.