Tutorials - vagos/gauzarbeit GitHub Wiki
Creating New Things
Everything in Gauzarbeit, from a piece of equipment to an NPC is a "Thing". This way, you have a unified way of creating new content. That means that you are never restricted with what your new item can do. You could have a chair that can also attack the player!
So, let's make a chair that will bite anyone that tries to sit on it.
-- doInit runs when the Thing is created
function EvilChair:doInit()
-- onUse runs when someone interacts with the Thing.
function EvilChair:onUse(user)
user:sendMessage("You try to sit on the chair...\n")
user:sendMessage("The chair goes back to sitting still...\n")
-- onInspect runs when a Player inspects the Thing.
-- Returns a description of the Thign.
function EvilChair:onInspect(inspector)
return "You notice the chair moving slightly.\n"
Creating New Rooms
A room is basically a square on the map grid. Inside it can be Players and Things. A room can either be an important landmark where important NPCs reside or just a regular part of the map like a forest area. Let's create a simple kitchen room.
-- This function will run once when the Room is created.
function Kitchen:doInit()
Gauzarbeit.Spawn(self, "WanderingCook")
-- Here, you could spawn other Things or
-- initialise neighbouring rooms.
-- This is in case we want to change the name of our "Thing" later.
Thing = WanderingCook
-- This will run when a player talks to this NPC.
function Thing:onTalk(talker)
self:doSay(talker, "Looking to cook, eh?\n")
Creating New Quests
Quests in Gauzarbeit are also Things, however they get a seperate section because they require some extra attention.
Let's create a quest that will require that our player kills 5 Rats and grab a piece of cheese from the floor.