Instruction Set Architecture - v3l0c1r4pt0r/lkv-wiki GitHub Wiki

Architecture described below is used at least on encoder processor. It is based on OpenRISC 1000 core (abbreviated or1k).

  • single instruction is always 32-bits wide
  • it is big endian
  • it has 31 general purpose registers
  • it can address offset of up to 65535 bytes around value in register
  • slots similar to MIPS present, so on jump, instruction immediately after jump is executed simultaneously


There are 31 general purpose registers. r0 is fixed to zero, and causes a crash if any non-zero value is written to it.

r1 is typically used as a stack-pointer.


R Type instruction

Opcode Destination Source Base Offset
6 bits 5 bits 5 bits 5 bits 11 bits

I Type instruction

Opcode Destination Source Offset
6 bits 5 bits 5 bits 16 bits

J Type instruction

Opcode Offset
6 bits 26 bits

Jump address is computed by formula:

addr = offset * 4 + PC

where PC is program counter before execution of jump instruction

Instruction Set

Load Address (la)

$rt = $rs + 0x00

Opcode Param Param Offset
0b101010 rt rs 0x00


la $1,$2+0x1234 encodes to unpacked form: 0x2a 0x01 0x02 0x1234 and finally is packed into 32 bits: 0xa8221234

Instruction List

Opcode Name Description Type Operation
00 jmpi Jump J $pc += imm * 4
01 call Call J $r9 = $pc+4, $pc += imm * 4
03 jnc Jump if the comparison flag is clear J
04 jc Jump if the comparison flag is set J
06 lh Load high I $rt |= imm
07 - Illegal instruction - -
08 I
0a - Illegal instruction - -
0b - Illegal instruction - -
0c - Illegal instruction - -
0d - Illegal instruction - -
0e - Illegal instruction - -
0f - Illegal instruction - -
10 - Illegal instruction - -
11 jmp Jump to register address R $pc = $rb
14 - Illegal instruction - -
15 - Illegal instruction - -
16 - Illegal instruction - -
17 - Illegal instruction - -
18 - Illegal instruction - -
19 - Illegal instruction - -
1a - Illegal instruction - -
1b - Illegal instruction - -
1c - Illegal instruction - -
1d - Illegal instruction - -
1e - Illegal instruction - -
1f - Illegal instruction - -
20 - Illegal instruction - -
21 lw Load Word R $rt = *(u32*)($rs + $rb + imm)
22 - Illegal instruction - -
23 lb Load Byte R $rt = *(u8*)($rs + $rb + imm)
25 ls Load Short Word R $rt = *(u16*)($rs + $rb + imm)
27 addi Add immediate I $rt = $rs + signextend(imm)
28 addi Add immediate I $rt = $rs + signextend(imm)
29 andi Bitwise AND immediate I $rt = $rs & imm
2a ori Bitwise OR immediate I $rt = $rs | imm
2b xori Bitwise XOR immediate I $rt = $rs ^ signextend(imm)
2c multi Signed multiply immediate I $rt = $rs * imm
2d Load from special register? I
2e shfti Shift by immediate I If imm[7] is set: $rt = $rs ASR imm[5:0], otherwise if imm[6] is set: $rt = $rs >> imm[5:0], otherwise $rt = $rs << imm[5:0].
2f cmpi Compare register to immediate I Compare imm to $rs
30 R
31 R/I
32 - Illegal instruction - -
33 - Illegal instruction - -
34 - Illegal instruction - -
35 sw Store Word R *(u32*)($rt + $rb + imm) = $rs
36 sb Store Byte R *(u8*)($rt + $rb + imm) = $rs
37 ss Store Short Word R *(u16*)($rt + $rb + imm) = $rs
38 ext38 Extended Instruction (see below) R ext_opcode=imm[3:0]
39 cmp Compare Two Registers R Compare $rb to $rs
3a - Illegal instruction - -
3b - Illegal instruction - -
3d - Illegal instruction - -
3e - Illegal instruction - -
3f - Illegal instruction - -

ext38 Opcodes

Opcode Name Description Operation
0 add Add $rt = $rs + $rb
1 or Bitwise OR $rt = $rs | $rb
2 sub Subtract $rt = $rs - $rb
3 and Bitwise AND $rt = $rs & $rb
4 Bitwise OR $rt = $rs | $rb
5 xor Bitwise XOR $rt = $rs ^ $rb
6 mul Signed Multiply $rt = $rs * $rb
7 mov Copy Value $rt = $rs
8 shl Shift Left $rt = $rs << $rb[5:0]
9 div Divide $rt = $rs / $rb
a Divide $rt = $rs / $rb
b mov2 Copy Value $rt = $rb
c movh Copy High 16-bits $rt = $rb << 16
d Bitwise AND $rt = $rs & $rb
e Copy Value $rt = $rb
f cmpf Compare and Set Flags ?

0x306 is sometimes used for Signed Multiply. Does the 0x300 have some additional effect?

Comparison Instructions

The comparison performed by cmpi (0x2f) and cmp (0x39) instructions is controlled by the lower 3-bits value in the $rt field of the instruction i.e. bits [24:21].

$rt Comparison Description
0 eq $rs == imm or $rb
1 ne $rs != imm or $rb
2 gt $rs > imm or $rb
3 ge $rs >= imm or $rb
4 lt $rs < imm or $rb
5 le $rs <= imm or $rb
6 z false
7 - false
