Hardware registers - v3l0c1r4pt0r/lkv-wiki GitHub Wiki

MMP (0xC0000000)

DPU (0xD0900000)

SMAZ Decoder (+0x300)

Address Name R/W Description
+0x00 CTRL RW Control Register - write 0x22 to begin SMAZ decode.
+0x08 SRC_ADDR RW Source Address of SMAZ compressed data.
+0x0C DST_ADDR RW Destination Address for decompressed data.
+0x10 SRC_LEN RW Length of source data in bytes.
+0x14 DST_LEN RW Length of decompressed data in bytes.
+0x1C STAT R 0x20084000 before decoding, 0x2007400A during decoding, 0x2078000A after decoding

GPIO (0xDE000000)

SSP0/1 (0xDE800000)

SSP Base Address
SSP0 0xDE800000
SSP1 0xDE900000
Address Name R/W Description
+0x0C DATA RW Write to begin SPI transfer.
+0x18 STAT R Status of SPI transfer.