Projected Phases and Timelines - uwlib-cams/MARC2RDA GitHub Wiki
Phase I
- Phase I will include MARC21 fields considered core in the PCC Bibliographic Standard Record (BSR)
- Phase I will exclude diachronic works (continuing resources)
- Phase I will feature rudimentary treatments of aggregates, meant to be built upon in future phases
- Distinguish Group 1 resources (non-aggregates, parallel aggregates, and augmentation aggregates) from Group 2 resources (collection aggregates)
- Process Group 1 resources
- Group 2 resources can be treated in Phase II (Phase II pending confirmation)
- Phase I will not include entity reconciliation or deduplication
- March 3, 2021 - May 30, 2025
- An official GitHub release of Marc-to-RDA Mapping Project, Phase 1 resources, featuring:
- README files at multiple levels of a GitHub release to guide use and interpretation
- XSLT stylesheets with transformation code and accompanying documentation
- Includes initial treatment of aggregates and reproductions
- Initial guidelines for post-processing (serializing output into additional formats)
- Spreadsheets representing mapping of MARC21 bibliographic data to LRM/RDA/RDF data
- Sample data (MARC21 and LRM/RDA/RDF)
- Accompanying materials:
- Additional vocabularies and metadata properties published by the University of Washington Libraries
- Non-mapping materials
- Selections from the GitHub wiki, issues, and discussions, such as
- Wikibase Cloud server
- RSC Feedback
- PCC Feedback
Post-Phase I Close-out
- June 1, 2025 - August 29, 2025
- Grant applications
- Publications/conferences
- Initial project plan for Phase II
- Write up
Phase II
Scope (Tentative)
- To Be Confirmed
- Phase II will include MARC21 fields considered core and recommended in the PCC Bibliographic Standard Record (BSR)
- Phase II will include MARC21 fields considered core in the CONSER Standard Record (CSR)
- Phase II will exclude diachronic works (continuing resources)
- Phase II will include entity reconciliation or deduplication
- Phase II will feature more advanced treatments of aggregates and reproductions
- Distinguish Group 1 resources (non-aggregates, parallel aggregates, and augmentation aggregates) from Group 2 resources (collection aggregates)
- Process Group 1 resources
- Process Group 2 resources
Timeline (Tentative)
- September 1, 2025 - August 31, 2027
Deliverables (Tentative)
- Github release of Marc-to-RDA Mapping Project, Phase II resources
- Transformation output on Wikibase Cloud server
- Guidelines for pre-and-post-processing (part of transformation documentation)