Windows Setup - uw-advanced-robotics/taproot GitHub Wiki

Download/install the following tools:

When asked to run commands in the future, you should do so in a PowerShell terminal (optionally, within Windows Terminal).

Close (and reopen if necessary) any existing terminal sessions or Visual Studio Code windows.

Visit the README of the repo you are working in to find next steps. You'll want to:

  • Clone your repository
  • Build the project and run the tests to confirm your environment is set up correctly

Appendix: Adding directories to your PATH

Commands run in the terminal use an "environment variable" called PATH to find runnable programs. Most installers will automatically add their programs to PATH, but some of our tools don't have installers, so we have to do it by hand.

To add one or more directories to PATH:

  • Open Start and search for "environment" to find "Edit the system environment variables". Click "Environment Variables...".

  • Double-click Path under the "User variables for <Username>"

    Click to see screenshot
  • Click "New" and paste in the absolute path to the folder you want to add. Usually, it's a path to a folder called bin, e.g. C:\tools\xpack-openocd-0.10.0-15\bin. You can do this for multiple paths.

    Click to see screenshot
    Click to see screenshot
  • Click "Ok" twice

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