Fedora Linux Setup - uw-advanced-robotics/taproot GitHub Wiki

Fedora Linux Setup

  1. Install system dependencies as follows:

    sudo dnf install python pip scons git doxygen make automake gcc gcc-c++ stlink \ 
                openocd kernel-devel boost-devel python3-virtualenv \
                arm-none-eabi-gcc-cs arm-none-eabi-gcc-cs-c++
  2. Choose a directory to store your source code. repos is a good choice:

    mkdir repos
    cd repos
  3. Build and install googletest:

    git clone --branch release-1.10.0 https://github.com/google/googletest.git
    cd googletest
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ../
    sudo make install
    cd ../../
  4. Download and install VSCode.

Visit the README of the repo you are working in to find next steps. You'll want to:

  • Clone your repository
  • Build the project and run the tests to confirm your environment is set up correctly