Directory Structure - uw-advanced-robotics/taproot GitHub Wiki

This is a brief guide on the directory layout of taproot.


Contains the CI Docker image and build tools.


Contains VSCode project settings and tasks for building code through the VSCode interface.


Contains tooling used to build generated code. Files in this directory may be generated and used in projects that utilize taproot.


Contains all the relevant information necessary for building the generated documentation using Exhale.


A submodule (embedded git repository) of modm, used during code generation.


Contains python and shell scripts that are either useful for developers or are used during CI builds.


Contains all header and source files that are a part of taproot.


Contains all tests for taproot that validate the correctness of the library code.


Contains a test project that taproot. It can be used for basic testing and as a generation/build smoke-test. However, changes made by ARUW members should typically be tested in the context of aruw-mcb before being merged here.