Demo Documentation Template - utwente-interaction-lab/interaction-lab GitHub Wiki
Below is the standard format for how students and professors should document their project to be used in demo's, for teaching or self-learning. The language currently used is Markdown, though this is subject to change. ( _)
To get started
- Create a new Repository in Interaction Lab Github, using the project name as the Repository name
- Select a template: utwente-interaction-lab/Project-Documentation-Template for the markdown template files for project documentation
Note: You may have to wait for access to be granted before you can create a new repository
Briefly describe the device or project and its purpose.
Provide step-by-step instructions for setting up the device or project for a demo.
- Step 1
- Step 2
- Step 3
- Additional notes or sub-steps if necessary
Explain how to use the device or project during the demo.
- Step 1
- Step 2
- Step 3
- Additional notes or sub-steps if necessary
List common issues and their solutions related to the demo.
Issue 1: Briefly describe the issue.
- Solution: Explain the solution.
Issue 2: Briefly describe the issue.
- Solution: Explain the solution.
Link to detailed documentation