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Capital: Berlin
Official: German
Unit Copyright and Publishing Law Directorate IIIB Directorate-General III: Commercial and Economic Law Federal Ministry of Justice andConsumer Protection
Mr. Matthias Schmid
Head of Unit Copyright and Publishing Law
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (49 30) 20 25 70 / 18 58 00
(49 30) 20 25 93 23 Head of Unit Copyright and Publishing Law
Address: Mohrenstrasse 37 10117 Berlin
Preparation phase:
- Document collection
- Valuation and asking price decision
- Marketing procedure decision
- Document preparation (Photos, Flkoor Plan, Text, Exposé)
- Advertising – traditional media
- Advertising – new media and networking channels
- Prepare your home for viewings.
- Co-ordination of interested buyers
- Conducting viewings
- Assessment/screening of interested buyers (financial capabilty etc.)
- Negotiation with interested buyers
- Collection/preparation of sales contract details
- Clarification of sales contract issues raised by the buyer
Transfer of funds
Conveyance of property
Do you have them all?
To make the sale process as easy as possible, it is helpful to gather all necessary documents to sell your property in Berlin as early as possible. We give you more details about each document you will need to sell your property in Berlin.
- The following documents are important:
- Layout plan
- Declaration of division
- Certified abstract from the land register
- Fire Insurance certificate
- Report of the last 3 co-owners meetings
- The last housing allowance accounting
- The most recent economic plan
- Overview of reserves
- Description of the building (if available)
- Energy pass
- A copy of the current rental contract (if applicable)
- Here is more information about the documents mentioned above.
2. Teilungserklärung: This documents gives details about the joint property inside all the shared spaces. This notary certificate is 20 to 60 pages long. It will be given to the buyer when property is transferred as the notarized contract is referring to it.
3. Grundbuchauszug: It is recommended to ask for a new extract from the land register directly (Grundbuchamt). This is to avoid bad surprises such as attached mortage debt letters that might be lost. Your real estate agent can take care of this for you.
4. Brandversicherungsurkunde: Insurance against fire risks is compulsory in Germany. It can easily obtained from your property management company. This piece is often required by the bank to agree to a mortgage.
5. Eigentümerversammlungsprotokolle: Reports of the last co-owners’ meeting is useful to gain knowledge on the on-going affairs . This can answer many questions instead of the seller. Just ask those to property management.
6. 7. 8. Wohngeldabrechnung mit Rücklagenübersicht und der aktuelle Wirtschaftsplan: These 3 documents are necessary to understand the financial risks involved with buying the property, whether or not it’s been managed well, and what the expenses are. It’s a valuable insight into the current situation and the actors involved.
9. Baubeschreibung: If an original description of the building still exists, it is a good idea to add it to the collection. It’s important for the buyer to know more about renovation and modernisation efforts in the past few years.
10. Energieausweis: The energy pass is a document provided by property management. If you haven’t received it, simply make the request.