Dominica - utopialand/Utopia GitHub Wiki
View Dominica on Wikipedia
Capital: Roseau
Official: English
Vernacular languages: Dominican Creole French
Companies and Intellectual Property Office Ministry of Tourism and legal Affairs (CIPO)
Mr. Rayburn Blackmoore
Minister Responsible for IP
E-mail address: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Telephone: (1 767) 266 3358/3359
Address: Corner Independence Street & Turkey Lane Roseau Dominica
As a Seller you will be required to provide the following during the process of a sale:
- A “Letter of Intent to Sell” that:
- describes the property being sold
- expresses your intent to sell it to the buyer
- states the selling price
- any condition for sale.
Proof of legal ownership of the property and/or legal authority to effect a transfer of ownership of the property to the buyer. Details of any encumbrances/caveats that have been placed on the land. A copy of the Notice of Approval from the Physical Planning Division relating to a subdivision or change of use, if applicable.