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Capital: Moroni
Official Language: Comorian,Arabic and French
Comorian Office of Intellectual Property (OCPI) -
Ministry of Economy, Planning, Energy, Tourism, Private Sector of the Investments and Land Affairs
General Director/ Directrice Générale
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (269) 775 70 86
(269) 333 03 07
Address: BP 139 , Moroni, Union des Comores
The process of transferring property starts with obtaining the necessary documents, such as a copy of the seller’s title if necessary, and conducting due diligence if required. The transaction is considered complete when it is opposable to third parties and when the buyer can use the property, use it as collateral for a bank loan or resell it (figure 2). Every procedure required by law or necessary in practice is included, whether it is the responsibility of the seller or the buyer or must be completed by a third party on their behalf. Local property lawyers, notaries and property registries provide information on procedures as well as the time and cost to complete each of them.
- Procedures to legally transfer title
- Preregistration procedures (for example, checking for liens, notarizing sales agreement, paying property transfer taxes)
- Registration procedures in the economy's largest business city.
- Postregistration procedures (for example, filling title with municipality)
- Time required to complete each procedure (calendar days)
- Does not include time spent gathering information
- Each procedure starts on a separate day though procedures that can be fully completed online are an exception to this rule
- Procedure is considered completed once final document is received
- No prior contact with officials
- Cost required to complete each procedure (% of property value)
- Official costs only (such as administrative fees, duties and taxes).
- Value Added Tax, Capital Gains Tax and illicit payments are excluded