CreateSystem - usil/eventhos-api GitHub Wiki

Create System

Gets events paginated, first you will need to create a client

Base Url :

Endpoint : /system

Method : POST

Auth required : Yes

header key header value description
Authorization BEARER jwtToken access_token generated using /token

Permissions required : Access string 'system:select'


type: body

  "identifier": "system_identifier",
  "name": "system name",
  "type": "SASS",
  "clientId": 1,
  "description": "Some system"

Request Fields Description

key value description
itemsPerPage 5 events per page
pageIndex 0 pagination page index
order desc pagination order


  "code": 200000,
  "message": "Select completed",
  "content": { "systemId": 1 }

Response Fields Description

key value description
code 200000 result code
message Select completed result message
content { "systemId": 1 } the id of the added system

Response codes

  • If response is success, http status will be 200 and code in body will be 200000
code description
500000 Not categorized error
400024 The client does not exist.
200000 event list selected
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️