In Search of Globally Accurate Orientation - umrover/mrover-ros GitHub Wiki

What's the deal?

Our IMU, like anyone, has its strengths & weaknesses. It's very good at being locally accurate - i.e. over short periods of time - the readings that the IMU spits out are splendid. However, over longer time periods, our readings have a tendency to drift. This has the unfortunate consequence of causing the rover's performance to slowly worsen, the longer that the rover goes without having its IMU re-calibrated. This wiki page details our attempts to correct this.

To accomplish this, we want to fuse the IMU's sensors' data ourselves, off the IMU. By doing this, we can manually filter the IMU's sensor data using several algorithms that are commonly used in industry, run a test on the rover, & see if any of these algorithms will provide better performance than the IMU's onboard processing.

The nitty gritty deets... 🕵️

I've been told that the most commonly used algorithms in industry are Madgwick, Mahony, & the Extended Kalman Filter. Conveniently, the Python package AHRS has all three algorithms implemented, & should allow us to get all three algorithms up & running relatively quickly so we can test them on the rover.

Maybe Madgwick?

find the code in ss/test-ahrs-for-imu-drift!

The Madgwick implementation in AHRS allows us to feed it IMU readings as we receive them, & will spit out a corrected orientation vector with each sample. The code leverages this by subscribing to the topics where the IMU is publishing its data (in the simulator, that's imu/data for orientation, angular velocity, & linear acceleration, & imu/mag for magnetometer data). In the callback function for the imu/data topic, we're giving these values to our Madgwick filter, & the output for this is the corrected orientation vector.

Testing In Sim

Currently, the raw & corrected orientation vectors are being written to a csv file. I'm using this to do a sanity check on my code, & also for logging purposes. Additionally, I'm taking these corrected orientation vectors & visualizing them in RViz, which lets me watch the filter in action while the rover is completing a course. Some more specific details about getting this code running -

  1. To get gazebo to publish simulated magnetometer data, I'm using GazeboRosMagnetic from hector_gazebo_plugins. This is set up in the codebase in the rover_gazebo_plugins.xacro file.
  2. To run the testing code, first do roslaunch mrover auton_sim.launch to get the simulator running. Then, you can do python3 src/esw/ You can also run rosrun mrover to get the rover to complete a course & be able to watch the filter in action.
  3. The corrected orientation vectors are visualized in RViz - it should be a large, chonky, neon green arrow. This is accomplished by setting up a Orientation Marker visualization in auton_sim.rviz. This tells RViz to expect messages describing Markers in the visualization_marker topic, & how to visualize them.