Specifying slots - umnikos/hopper.lua GitHub Wiki

By default hopper.lua will take items from any slot and place items into any slot, but this can be changed by specifying particular slot numbers to use:

  • -from_slot [number] - Specify a single slot number to take items from
  • -from_slot_range [from_number] [to_number] - Specifies an entire range of slots to pull from (including the start and end slots)
  • -to_slot [number] - Specify a single slot number to push items to
  • -to_slot_range [from_number] [to_number] - Specifies an entire range of slots to push to (including the start and end slots)

Multiple slots and slot ranges can be specified, in which case it will simply use all of the specified slots


hopper *barrel* *chest* *sapling* -from_slot_range 2 999 - Move saplings from the barrels and into the chests, but not saplings that are in the first slot of a barrel.

hopper *chest*|*barrel* *brewing_stand* *:blaze_powder -to_slot 5 -to_limit 1 -per_slot - Keep connected brewing stands constantly fed with blaze powder, not keeping more than 1 extra powder in each stand