Basic usage - umnikos/hopper.lua GitHub Wiki

To simply move all the items from somewhere to somewhere else, you can run hopper [source] [destination]

Example: hopper left right will continuously move any items from the chest on the left of the computer to the chest on the right of the computer

The source and destination parameters also support wildcards

Example: hopper *chest* *barrel* will move any items from any connected chest to any connected barrel

If you only want to move some kinds of items, you can add item name filters after the source and the destination: hopper [source] [destination] {[filter]}*

Example: hopper left right minecraft:iron_ingot minecraft:gold_ingot will only move iron and gold ingots from the left chest to the right one, and will ignore all other items

Item names also support wildcards

Example: hopper left right *_ingot will move any ingots from the left chest to the right one

You can specify multiple sources or destinations by separating them with |

Example: hopper left|right top|bottom will move anything from the left and right chests to the top and bottom ones.

Priority is given to whichever chest appears sooner in the match.

Example: hopper top right|bottom will move items from the top to the right if it can, but if the chest on the right is full or missing it will move items down instead