Install Gulp, create your gulpfile.js and concatenate your *.js and *.css files - ultimagriever/mean-apz GitHub Wiki
Install Gulp
npm install --save gulp
npm install -g gulp
npm install --save gulp-concat
npm install --save gulp-uglify
npm install --save gulp-minify-css
What is Gulp?
Gulp is a platform-agnostic task runner that helps automate complex tasks. It can be used to compile LESS/SASS, CoffeeScript, minify/uglify JavaScript and CSS files, and much more.
Here, we're going to use Gulp to concatenate and minify the JavaScript and CSS files in our bower_components
Create a public dir
mkdir public
mkdir public/js
mkdir public/css
mkdir public/fonts
Our view will stay inside the public
folder. Earlier, while we were setting up our Express server, we determined public
to be the server root (where localhost
will point to, not to be mistaken with application root). This means that the view won't be able to see our bower_components
folder or its contents.
As our application evolves, it might gain a few more front-end dependencies, which would mean more imports in our HTML (link
, script
tags). This doesn't scale on any level. To solve the multiple imports problem, we're going to take every .js
file and every .css
file needed and merge them on a big .js
file and a big .css
file, respectively, and import only those to our HTML. This way, as we add dependencies, we can just install them with bower install --save
, make whatever necessary changes to our Gulp tasks, then run them.
Create Gulp tasks
We're going to have three tasks: one that concatenates and minifies .js
files, one that does the same to .css
files and a default
task that will run both.
Gulp tasks are defined in a file called gulpfile.js
vi gulpfile.js
Inside gulpfile.js
, require all necessary libs.
var gulp = require('gulp');
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify');
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
var minifyCss = require('gulp-minify-css');
const PATH = 'public/'; // Setting up our front-end root path
Let's start by defining a simple task such as printing something to our console.
gulp.task('print', function() {
console.log('Hey, I\'m a gulp task!');
Save your file, then
gulp print
This should be the output:
[00:46:30] Using gulpfile ~/mean/mean-apz/gulpfile.js
[00:46:30] Starting 'print'...
Hey, I'm a gulp task!
[00:46:30] Finished 'print' after 322 μs
Now for our actual tasks.
gulp.task('js', function() {
.pipe(gulp.dest(PATH + 'js'))
gulp.task('css', function() {
.pipe(gulp.dest(PATH + 'css'));
gulp.src('./bower_components/bootstrap/fonts/*.*') // Import Bootstrap Glyphicons
.pipe(gulp.dest(PATH + 'fonts'));
gulp.task('default', ['js', 'css']);
It's important to note on the order of the array in our js
task. It should be the same order you're supposed to import the same scripts into your front-end (e.g. jquery.min.js
before angular.min.js
so AngularJS uses jQuery, and so on). Since CSS does not need to be concatenated in order, we just add a wildcard path to .css
files and merge them.
The above tasks will take the files listed in the array provided to gulp.src
and concatenate (merge) those files into a single 3rd-party
file, minify the generated file, then move it to the supplied destination (in this case, either public/js
, public/css
or public/fonts
). The default
task will run both js
and css
tasks, in this order.
To run the default
task, just run
on your command line.
Add your concatenated files to .gitignore, then commit
Since these new files created by Gulp will constantly change and are redundant to our bower_components
, we also don't add them to source control.
echo 'public/js/3rd-party.js' >> .gitignore
echo 'public/css/3rd-party.css' >> .gitignore
echo 'public/fonts/*' >> .gitignore
Now, let's commit our changes.
git add .
git commit -m "Add Gulp tasks"