Summer - uic-ric/ GitHub Wiki

Table of Contents

General Information

Workshop days

  1. Thursday, June 15: R
  2. Friday, June 16: Linux/HPC
  3. Tuesday, June 20: RNA-Seq (prerequisite: R and Linux/HPC)
  4. Wednesday, June 21: Next-generation sequencing (NGS) (prerequisite: Linux/HPC)
  5. Thursday, June 22: Metagenomics (prerequisite: R)
NOTE: Monday, June 19 is Holiday.

Venue: In-person and Virtual:

  • Venue: In-person: Molecular Biology Research Building (MBRB), Rm 1152 (ONLY for people who registered for the In-person workshop)
  • Venue - Virtual Online: NOTE: Details, i.e. URL and access codes, for the online workshop will be provided approximately 1 week before each workshop day.
Time: Sessions begin promptly at 9 am and end at 4:45 pm.

Registration: You will have to register for each workshop separately. Zoom registration details will be sent to all the attendees prior to the workshop.

If you have any questions please contact us at [email protected].

General guidelines for using Zoom

On the day of the workshop, all members of the Research Informatics Core will be logged-in as co-hosts for the Zoom event and any one of us will be available to answer questions or provide assistance during the exercises. The members of RIC will be in communication with each other during the entirety of the workshop and will be able to coordinate assistance to any attendees in need.

To gain attention of the co-hosts or presenter the Zoom application has the capability for an attendee to "raise their hand" or ask a question. The attached "Tips for using Zoom" has information on how to "raise your hand" or ask a question. For this workshop we would ask that the attendees use these features as follows.

  • If you need assistance during one of the exercises, we ask that you use the “raise your hand” feature of Zoom. A member of RIC will contact you via the chat feature that is part of the Zoom event.
    • Please do NOT try to contact a RIC member via chat or directly enter a breakout session as they may be assisting another attendee while a different RIC member may be available to provide assistance.
    • If needed, the RIC member will create a breakout session during the Zoom meeting for you and a member of RIC to allow for screen sharing. Once assistance has been provided and you no longer require help, please exit the breakout room return to the main Zoom event for the workshop. If you require additional assistance at a later time, please use the “raise your hand” feature again.
  • If you have a question during the lecture or exercise portions of the workshop, please use the “Chat” feature of Zoom. Please send all questions to “Everyone”, so any available co-host would be able to answer the question.
In further preparation for the online workshop, please download and install the Zoom application prior to Thursday. This will streamline connecting to the Zoom Event. If you already have Zoom installed on your computer, be sure to update Zoom prior to Wednesday, July 28th. To update the Zoom application, open the application and then click on the icon for your user profile (this would have your initials). In the menu that appears, select “Check for Updates”. Follow the dialogs to update your Zoom application, if an update is needed.

If you have any questions please contact us at [email protected].

Tips for using Zoom

For details on using reactions, including raising your hand, and the chat in Zoom we recommend viewing the short tutorial video from Zoom titled Zoom In-Meeting Chat and Reactions

  • Raising your hand. Click on the "Reactions" icon in the Zoom toolbar at the bottom of the Zoom window. Then click "Raise hand" in the popup dialog. Once a panelist has responded to you please “lower your hand” by clicking on the Lower button. After you have “raised your hand” be sure to open the Chat panel as a panelist will likely contact you via chat.
  • Providing Feedback. If you find that the pace of instruction is to too fast or too slow, you can use the feedback buttons in the "Reactions" popup. Use “go slower” if you think the pace is too fast and use “go faster” if you think the pace of instruction is too slow.

Desktop/Laptop Requirements

Laptop/desktop computer with at least 4GB RAM. Windows, Mac, or Linux, and high-speed Internet connection.

External display (Online only)

Please note. If you do NOT have an external display, you will still be able to fully participate in the workshop. Having an external display is NOT a requirement for the workshop. This is only a recommended step for online attendees.

If you have access to an external display, we recommend that you setup your laptop with an external display and extend your desktop so that you can have separate screens for the online workshop and your work, i.e. RStudio or SSH client.

The following URLs have instructions for setting up a dual display for different operating systems.

Things to install prior to the workshop

Introduction to R

Install R on your laptop

The following are links to installation instructions for R. We will be using v4 for the workshop. Please use the link that corresponds to the operating system on your laptop.

If you have an older version of R installed on your laptop please update to v4.

Updating R


To update R on Windows, try using the package installr (only for Windows)

1. Open R and install and load installr.

    > install.packages("installr")
    > library(installr)

2. In R, execute the updateR() function. This will start the updating process of your R installation by: "finding the latest R version, downloading it, running the installer, deleting the installation file, copy and updating old packages to the new R installation."


On Mac, you can simply download and install the newest version of R from When you restart RStudio, it will use the updated version of R.

Install RStudio

Once you have R installed, please install RStudio. The following link has installation instructions and links to the installers for different operating systems.

Updating RStudio

If you need to update an existing RStudio installation from within RStudio, go to Help > Check for Updates to install newer version of RStudio.

Install Rtools

This is a set of tools that allows R to compile certain packages. Please use the link that corresponds to the operating system on your laptop.

XQuartz (Mac users only)

This installs the XQuartz terminal for Mac, which is a necessary external dependency for Cairo, which in turn is used by the ComplexHeatmap package to draw heatmaps.

Introduction to Linux/HPC

2 factor authentication

FOR UIC USERS ONLY: Please - make sure to enable 2 factor authentication (2FA) for your account ( Also, make sure to have your chosen 2FA device with you on the workshop days.


Install SSH client

If you have a Windows computer, you will need to install SSH client prior to the workshop.

If you have a MacOS computer, install an SFTP client.

Introduction to RNAseq

Install R, Rstudio, Rtools, instruction can be found under "Introduction to R"

In addition to the above requirements, we also recommend that you install the R packages “edgeR”, “ComplexHeatmap”, "biomaRt", and "IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR" prior to the workshop day.

To install these packages, open an RStudio session and in the Console window, in the bottom left of RStudio, type the following commands. If the installation process asks you to “Update all/some/none [a/s/n]:” respond with “n”.

 if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager"))
 BiocManager::install(c("edgeR", "ComplexHeatmap","biomaRt","IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR"), update=F)

Check installations

Try to load each package to confirm that the installation was successful:


Introduction to NGS

Install the Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV) prior to the workshop day. The following link has information for installing on macOS, Windows and Linux platforms. Choose the option for your operating system and follow the instructions given on this site.

Introduction to Metagenomics

Install R, Rstudio, Rtools, instruction can be found under "Introduction to R".

In addition to the above requirements, we also recommend that you install the R packages “edgeR”, “ComplexHeatmap”, "biomformat" and "vegan" prior to the workshop day.

To install these packages, open an RStudio session and in the Console window, in the bottom left of RStudio, type the following commands. If the installation process asks you to “Update all/some/none [a/s/n]:” respond with “n”.

 if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager"))
 BiocManager::install(c("edgeR", "ComplexHeatmap","biomformat"), update=F)

Install vegan package via CRAN.
If you were asked for a CRAN mirror site, please select one which is close to your location: e.g. “USA (IN)”


Check installations

Try to load each package to confirm that the installation was successful:


Helpful Resources


We have also gathered a number of cheat-sheets that will be useful for many of our different workshops. These cheat-sheets are available at


We have also prepared tutorial videos describing, e.g., using SFTP clients to download data from a server. These may be useful to review prior to the workshops, in particular the Linux/HPC day, and may serve as a reference after the workshops as well. You can find a listing of these tutorials here:

Previous years

Summer 2021

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