test() - uhop/tape-six GitHub Wiki

test is the entry point to the test suite:

import test from 'tape-six';


This function registers a test suite. Available options:

  • async test(name, options, testFn) — registers a test suite to be executed asynchronously. The returned promise is resolved when the test suite is finished.
    • In most cases no need to wait for the returned promise.
    • The test function has the following signature: testFn(tester)
  • test.skip(name, options, testFn) — registers a test suite to be skipped.
    • It is used to mark a test suite to be skipped. It will not be executed.
  • test.todo(name, options, testFn) — registers a test suite that is marked as work in progress.
    • Tests in this suite will be executed, errors will be reported but not counted as failures.
    • It is used to mark tests for incomplete features under development.
  • test.asPromise(name, options, testPromiseFn) — registers a test suite to be executed asynchronously using the callback-style API to notify that the test suite is finished.
    • The test function has a different signature: testPromiseFn(tester, resolve, reject).


The arguments mentioned above are:

  • name — the optional name of the test suite. If not provided, it will be set to the name of the test function or '(anonymous)'.
  • options — the optional options object. Available options:
    • skip — if true, the test suite will be skipped.
    • todo — if true, the test suite will be marked as work in progress.
    • name — the optional name of the test suite. If not provided, it will be set to the name of the test function or '(anonymous)'.
      • Can be overridden by the name argument.
    • testFn — the optional test function to be executed.
      • Can be overridden by the testFn argument.
    • timeout — the optional timeout in milliseconds. It is used for asynchronous tests.
      • If the timeout is exceeded, the test suite will be marked as failed.
      • Important: JavaScript does not provide a generic way to cancel asynchronous operations. When the timeout is exceeded, tape6 will stop waiting for the test to finish, but it will continue running in the background.
      • The default: no timeout.
    • testFn — the test function to be executed. It will be called with the tester object. The result will be ignored.
      • This function can be an asynchronous one or return a promise.
    • testPromiseFn — the test function to be executed. It will be called with the tester object and two callbacks: resolve and reject are modeled on the Promise API. The result will be ignored.


Given all that test and its helpers can be called like this:

test(name, options, testFn);
test(name, testFn);
test(name, options);
test(options, testFn);

// examples:
test('foo', t => {
test('bar', async t => {
test(function baz(t) {
  t.ok(1 < 2);
  name: 'qux',
  todo: true,
  testFn: t => {
    t.ok(1 < 2);

test.skip('foo1', t => {

test.todo('foo2', t => {

test.asPromise('foo3', (t, resolve, reject) => {
  const stream = fs.readStream('foo.txt');

  let buffer = '';
  stream.on('data', chunk => {
    buffer += chunk;
  stream.on('end', () => {
    t.equal(buffer, 'foo');
  stream.on('error', error => reject(error));