New Build Linux (RPM based) - uglyDwarf/linuxtrack GitHub Wiki
This page provides instructions how to build Linuxtrack on GNU/Linux with a RPM based package management system; unless you have a reason to build Linuxtrack yourself, you should use the universal package for Linux that can be found here: . Instructions to install the universal package are here: .
First of all, some prerequisites have to be installed - find them in your favorite package manager. the packages for Fedora 22 are as follows
dnf groupinstall "Development Tools" "Development Libraries"
dnf install xorg-x11-util-macros libtool glibc-devel.i686 gcc-x86_64-linux-gnu.x86_64 gcc-objc gcc-objc++ qt-devel cwiid-devel zlibrary libv4l-devel bison mxml-devel flex wine-devel.i686 opencv-devel mingw32-nsis qtwebkit-devel libusb-devel
Now lets assume you checked out sources from the repository into '/home//Code/linuxtrack' using this command
cd /home/<username>/Code
git clone
You should also install X-Plane SDK version 2.0.1 and higher (default path is '/usr/include/xplane_sdk' - e.g there is file '/usr/include/xplane_sdk/XPLM/XPLMCamera.h'), or specify option '--with-xplane-sdk' (e.g --with-xplane-sdk=/home//Code/SDK/CHeaders).
Also decide where the linuxtrack should be installed using --prefix option; in this example we are installing it into /home//Bin/ltr directory.
cd linuxtrack
./configure --prefix=/home/<username>/bin/ltr --with-xplane-sdk=/home/<username>/devel/SDK/CHeaders --with-wine-libs=-L/usr/lib/wine
autoreconf -ivf
make install
It is possible that you'll see several warnings about re-linking libraries (they happen when you have linuxtrack already installed) and one saying that wasn't installed. You can safely ignore them.
Now linuxtrack is installed along with the gui and you need to make it available... Add following to the .bashrc file (I assume your shell is bash)
export PATH=${PATH}:/home/<username>/bin/ltr/bin/
This line makes linuxtrack binaries available without specifying full path to them.
Last but not least - if you intend to use TrackIR, you'll have to install file 51-TIR.rules to your udev rules directory (might be /etc/udev/rules.d/, but refer to your distro documentation). You can find this file in 'prefix/share/linuxtrack' directory. Then either restart udev service, or reboot the computer and replug the TrackIR.